Friday, November 19, 2010

Ascended Master Kuthumi

Ascended Master Kuthumi

Transmitted through Chanel Lingenfelder

The process of Time = The art of detaching.

This session bridges the New Dimensional 3rd eye and Crown Chakra.

6 November 2010

When creating, or wishing to, one has to realize the higher potential
of this

At the core essence of any and all matter lie spiritual origins. This
is fact.

Our core essence thus contains all needed to create and or recreate.

Please note – The information of this Transcript is free and should be
made available to all that feels drawn to it, however please do not
add, change or alter any of its contents

Should you wish to experience this or any of the other initiations,
simply quieten your mind; find a comfortable place where you will be
undisturbed, connect with the Energy of Spirit and set the intent for
your rewire as you please. This will automatically be facilitated by
your higher self for your greater good.

Special Thanks to Brandon for Transcribing

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I AM Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of Love and Wisdom to
greet thee at this time and to gift unto thee a divine blessing of
enlightenment, greetings beloved ones.

A: Greetings Lord Kuthumi.

MK: And it is with great joy and with great pleasure within our hearts
that we gather with each of you upon this day as we hold you here
firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.

Beloved ones it is indeed a time of great change that awaits you. Each
of you here and every one of those that may come to hear or read this
message in time to come will feel the same. Humanity at this time is
facing an immense challenge within them selves, humanity is facing a
change upon this plane that is undeniably one of the greatest and
grandest that they have ever experienced consciously to date within
their many lifetimes, for you see each of you enlightened beings,
divine beautiful lightworkers have through your lifetimes given a
promise of a time that shall come when you too will awake to your
divine mastery, to the ultimate aspects of yourself, where you too
will come to integrate this in such a way that you will live out the
blessing and the gift of that, not only serving yourself, humanity,
the planet, your brothers and sisters with the greatest of love and
compassion this world has ever known, but you will also be very joyful
and excited about it which many of you are at times unable to pull
off. That is not said in judgement of course it is a mere observation,
a divine self-real-i-sation.

Beloved ones as you come to face these changes that await you, that
you experience at this time and believe me we are not asleep on a
celestial proverbial cloud, we are quite awake, excuse the pun…

A: Giggles.

MK: And we understand that humanity is facing immense challenges and
changes within their lives at this time but through the real-i-sation
of the self as this divine beautiful being you will also come to
embrace the lighter side of you and by saying that I am inspiring you
to become funny, to share humour, to live in a lighter frequency of
mind and not to become so exceptionally serious about everything.

In the divine plan or the enfoldment of the grand cosmos as you
currently experience it as magnificent beings comes too the truth of
being light and having a lighter side. Beloved ones each of you have
come to know your shadow side. Many of you have worked directly and
effortlessly in a timeless space vacuum with the shadow side and I
might add at this particular time that many of you that worked with
this energy weren’t even quite aware, I dare not use the word
conscious, of the darker side of your light body that you were working
with, for you see - you see that mainly as such a downward anchoring
spiral and such a limited energy that you are hardly able to actually
lift yourself out of that down pulling anchoring energy into a lighter
frequency, ascending, by seeing the funny side of it, for you see if
you are faced with an immense challenge the first thing that you
should do is you should have a great old laugh about it.

A: Giggles

MK: Yes, imagine you are greeting the beautiful being that delivers
your post and you open the letter and it tells you that you are not
only completely bankrupt but your house is repossessed, so is your car
and incidentally all of the facilities involved in your house,
everyone reclaiming everything that you still owe them for. What would
you do, I know what I would do, I would have a great big laugh.

A: Laughter.

MK: For it is hysterical isn’t it yes, hysterical.

Hysteria is at this level not a bad thing and therefore we encourage
you to use laughter as the first tool to diminish stress and fear from
your lives and if all else fails and you don’t see yourself to be so
funny why don’t you get someone to tickle you.

A: Laughter.

MK: You could have great fun working with each other. The lighter side
of you is what brings through a new process for you in the new energy;
the energy that you are facing at this time as well as the changes
that you are facing at this time for all of the changes will come
together under one grand umbrella of expression called 2011. It is the
year where you will learn to work with yourself on a far greater
expansive level and believe me for all of the changes that are
involved in the future and the time to come, the only way you are
going to get through it is to see the lighter side of it, to see the
laughing side of it, to embrace laughter and lightness into your being
and to become light as we have mentioned.

What this gives you in the long run is it serves as a new platform of
understanding for you see beloved ones as there are many of you we
refer to as lightworkers there are also many still that are working
through lower or limiting processes and of course I can hear many of
you say ‘Aha, I am so grateful that there is, for those we call

A: Laughter.

MK: And there is nothing wrong with that, there is nothing wrong with
that, the heavens are but so grateful for the healers of this land.

Healing in itself will take a brand new turn in time to come and all
of that is because of the work that all of you have been doing. Some
of you may feel at times that your influence in this is but minimal,
some of you may even become extremely despondent at times, but as we
have said before, put us to the test and we will meet you every time.

The reality of your lives as you express your hearts desires, your
dreams, your visions that you have been working on will take on a
shift as well, a change in energy to come and that is because those of
you that have come together this day and many others that follow these
teachings have created a new platform of perception for yourself. You
have now moved up from the limitations of the land, you have moved up
from the limitations of the mind yes, and the restrictions of your
emotional fields, you have actually placed yourself into a grander
understanding of the self and you did so by acknowledging love, and
through that love you realise your power, your strength and your will
and through that you have visualised and seen for yourself a different
perception and reality to that which you previously had and I am now
here to tell you that by embracing all of that which is the chakras I
have taken you through from the base to the third eye for those of you
that followed my words, will come to embrace your crown energy as a
platform of possibilities, there is no other way to put that.

If you recall during the last transmission you were taken through a
process of awakening, a different angle and perception to your third
eye not so?

A: Yes.

MK: You recall a triangular energy being created where you worked with
the energy of…does anyone recall?

A: A candle.

MK: A candle which represented what brother?

A: Inaudible.

MK: Not quite, the candle represented spirit, you worked with your
third eye which represented what?

A: Focus.

MK: Focus and emotions and then you worked with the crystal which
represented your senses, did you recall that? Perhaps you should do a
reread of the last session.

Now what I am about to say to you is in there you will also read
between the lines and not quite between the lines it is actually
printed in definite words that the power in that observation lies in
your ability to be the overruling energy because you have your senses
and your emotions which you put into that holographic expression yes.

A: Yes.

MK: But at the end you were asked to surrender those into the Will of
possibilities, Spirit yes.

A: Yes.

MK: Now that is the platform of light which I am introducing to you
today and that is a platform of new possibilities which is the new
awakened crown energy. In that understanding you now have to realise
that although you have your self will, your lower mind that dictates
to you what you desire and although you have an emotional body that
also demands of you certain experiences, the key to releasing and
truly surrendering into the Will of the divine is to be able to hand
this experience over to someone that actually knows better, meaning
your higher self. But there is a trick to it, at the same time you
have to take full responsibility of everything in your life without
having to call in the presence of higher self to camouflage certain
situations for you, in other words you can not go randomly running
amok and then blame somebody else for it. You have to be responsible,
you have to be secure within yourself in what it is you wish to create
for yourself, in the desires that you have, the yearnings of your
soul, and you have to be able to put these things into divine
perspective and you do so by surrendering it to the light, letting it
go. Beloved one these exercises, shall we say, are given to you to
help you expand your mind. The teachings of light that we deliver to
you are given to you to help you expand your reality and the only way
that you can do that is to embrace your truth and your light.

In the old world many relied on judgement and blame and criticism and
shame to give them an energy injection or energy charge coming through
the crown. Nowadays that energy is no longer possible, oh yes it is
still surely rife on your planet and amongst man, but for those of you
that walk a different journey of divine understanding and
enlightenment, those no longer exist. You now work with pure celestial
power, you invoke the presence of light to take charge in your life
and you do so by serving it, so it is 50 of the one and 50 of the
other yes, it is a 50/50 situation. As with everything in life balance
is the most crucial, everything has to be in balance. Everything is
good, in moderation. Balance also in many ways express the worlds of
duality for only in those environments by being exposed to both ends
of the reality were you able to conclude it for yourself and therefore
set yourself on course of a new reality, by changing your focus,
changing that which you desire, by becoming more aware of that which
you don’t and then letting it go.

With the new energy that creates this bridge of consciousness through
the crown and the third eye comes this reality of understanding the
self at such a level that you are able to communicate with your self
before you are even able to communicate with another and what that
does is it opens divine levels of love for you so that you may
integrate a far greater perception of the love that you are, bring
this into your reality and begin to express it. That of course goes
without saying is striving, shall we say, to become unconditional, for
as yet no one truly on your planet has reached a stage of living in
unconditional love 24/7, very few have touched on that.

So in the greater awareness of the world of possibilities in your
crown comes too the truth of embracing your life and if you need to,
and I have said this before, if you wish to make any changes to any
future projections of anything, you need to embrace your reality as it
is now. You need to understand and claim yourself in this present
moment on all levels to be able to shift the future time to come for
you see as you know it is very important not to focus on the time to
come as your future self but rather to integrate it all within the
only gift that you have which is the present, the now reality.

The crown chakra of the New Earth is such a Divine space; it is such a
platform of unconditional love, of celestial truths, of brilliance,
and immaculately being in that energy no one will be able to deny the
power of their love. It is acknowledging the love for the Creator
within and as above so below, acknowledging also the love in one
another even in those that oppose you. That is the challenge, that’s
the challenge.

Beloved ones the process of Divine Love that you will come to
experience in the full anchoring of the New Earth in 2012 and beyond
is an energy frequency that is so magnificent, and if you are not
centred will blow you apart. You all look pretty centred to me….lets

Humanity will come to embrace many, many changes that is to come not
only in the foreseeable but unforeseeable future, in the immediate and
not so. The challenge now for lower energies is to turn and face the
light or to make like Donald and duck.

A: Laughter.

MK: You as lightworkers have chosen to become the teachers of this
energy, you have chosen to become the wayshowers and the ones that
will take humanity into a new understanding of themselves and
therefore you will be working very intensely with the energy of the
third eye and the crown chakra. Now these two centres as you have
heard are inseparable as is all of the others so let me not contradict
myself but rather express that all of them are inseparable. When you
move the frequency of the vision that you entertain across the new
plain of Divine Perception and acceptance something happens… and a new
frequency of manifestation is released. That frequency of
manifestation takes on the process of faith. Faith is probably one of
the most powerful key words that you will find within the crown energy
and of course probably one of the greatest challenges too within that.
Now what prevents your faith from being so great, any one?

A: Fear

MK: Trust. Now what prevents your trust from allowing your faith to

A: Doubt.

MK: Doubt, fear, yes, so there you have a pattern. So once again we
are back to the teachings we have been giving you over the last
millennia, fear, doubt, all of those issues. Now beloved ones some of
the lightworkers may come and say but Lord Kuthumi we have heard those
lessons, we have heard those words being shared, but my point to you
today is are you over the processes, seriously. Are you?

A: Silence.

MK: Be honest with your self I dare you. Have you truly looked at
every one of the processes that limits you from expanding your self?


That is why we are here, to help you across that threshold and I have
said these words to you before, even if I have to drag you across that
threshold you will get there, many of you are already there, talk
about 5th dimensional consciousness, I would suggest why don’t you
start playing a little game and have more fun. See what message you
can send to who and see if they can pick it up in thought, in
consciousness yes. I am sure it will give your cell phone people a run
for there money.

A: Laughter.

MK: Use telepathy; go back into the Atlantean energy of communication,
why don’t you try that sometime. Just begin to open up, begin to
challenge yourself to embrace an unexpressed aspect of the self. What
is that unexpressed aspect, a challenge that you give to your self.
Set your self some exercises, train the mind, increase the frequency
of your mental power by embracing the consciousness of the crown and
what would the consciousness of the crown be without the vision of the
third eye, and vice versa? You have intuition, you have telepathy, you
have psychic ability and power of the mysteriously unexplained within
the third eye but what would that be without embracing true influx of
light that can only come in through the crown. You can not inhale
prana through your mouth, you can try. You open up the crown, you all
know that. You protect yourself, how do you do that, the first thing
you do is you place a protective energy around the crown then the
solar plexus, then you do the rest yes. Not many of you follow that.
As you know the crown and the solar plexus together are the two most
vulnerable vortices of light when it comes to interference and
external energy because the scope is so wide. Have a look at your
lives, have a look at your religious exercises that you do. You have
how many religions on your land and they are all right, every one of
them fighting for your crown, or should I rather say…..your crown.
(Kuthumi rubs his thumb and first finger together signifying crown as

A: Loud laughter.

MK: Make no mistake either one way or the other or both; they want to
have you in their pocket. And now, you have your self in your own
pocket, a platform of new possibility, for you see beloved ones
although you as a group many of you have already started working
extensively with the extended chakras up to the 12th and of course the
overall 13th. The mass lightworkers out there have not yet grasped
onto these facts and if they have some of them are completely allowing
their selves to be run over with too much spiritual and celestial
excitement by fantasizing worlds that do not exist, while others are
in such denial about their own love they take themselves and everyone
else into a grand depression.

So the main objective here at this time is to increase and fine tune
the frequency of the first seven chakras and then of course for those
of you that are ready to depart on a journey of Divine exploration and
great excitement, welcome!!!

A: Thank you.

MK: We will take you beyond that from the 7th up to the 12th, for now.
She is already wondering about the higher ones.

A: Laughter.

MK: I can read your mind you see, I am a mind reader.

Now to understand this first 7 levels of energy undoubtedly will
change your life. You want to change your life, get to know your
chakras. You want to change the world, get to know your chakras. There
are many other systems of light that teaches on par a very similar
energy or a complimentary energy but by far the most simple, yet can
be quite complicated, is the chakras, but learn the basics of this
energy and understand your life better. When that happens the third
eye and crown forms, as you have heard, a new divine platform of
possibilities, that then connects to the eighth chakra from a 6th and
7th dimensional perspective for remember the eighth chakra is
constantly in contact with all the chakras. So if you had to see this
in an explainable way, the eighth chakra sends a connecting energy
impulse to all of the chakras all the time, but by creating a new
communication frequency in the higher centres, the third eye and the
crown together bonds into this new level of perception of plentiful
possibilities and it communicates its expression to the eighth chakra
about the vision that you have and about the frequency of your beliefs
and then according to that it is done unto you. So the eighth chakra
is in constant contact with the subconscious mind, constantly, and
although the third eye works predominantly with the right brain the
crown chakra works with both and these two energies come together and
because there is a far more powerful charge of creativity of right
brain activity these two are then able to together create a new
interlinking energy with the eighth chakra commanding your future now.
Changing the path that you have set for yourself because of past
experiences, shifting your…..what is the one thing that prevents you
from being your magnificent self, one word……attitude. Your attitude is
your grandest opponent. If you could have your attitude in tune with
your Divine perception, you will change your reality. This is
invaluable information.

So your attitude shifts because the vision that you have, the
intuition, the higher intellect that you entertain together with your
faith and your grand all knowing belief system that no longer needs to
prove itself, they form this new energy of light that actually zones
into the eighth chakra and what that does is it say, ‘I demand a
change of my life now’, force, loving force. That filters all of the
energy down and what happens is the eighth chakra begins a very
intense conversation with all of the charkas and it says ‘I am sorry
boys, she is out’. As you say Elvis has left the building.

A: Laughter.

MK: Beloved ones in a light hearted way I hope you understand the
shifting of the energies that manifest these frequencies for you and
once you can tap into those manifested frequencies you are able to
actually shift that tangibly into a new reality and it is a system
that you follow and believe me if all else fails have good old laugh
at your self.

A: Laughter.

MK: Please get yourselves ready.

Everyone gets ready for the activation.

Long Pause.

I would like for you to visualise your self in a beautiful space,
become aware of the present moment, the now, exactly where you are.
Feel your self sitting on this chair, become aware of the elemental
energies at play. Become aware of the winds in the distance, the
clouds, become aware of the hovering rain energy, the water, the mist,
but also become aware that above that it is hot and beautiful and the
sun is shining. Bring your self into a divine space of tranquillity,
of peace and absolute pleasantness.


Now breathe in very deeply, through the nose, and then exhale through
the mouth. Become aware of your breathe and then give thanks for that,
have an attitude of gratitude towards this all powerful energy called
air. Fill the air into your lungs and allow it to become oxygenated
and as you exhale allow this deoxygenated energy, the carbon dioxide,
to be released from your system as you clear from your body all ill
health, aches and pains, letting go of all constraints and that which
plagues you, mentally, emotionally, or in any way, allow the
interchange of gases within the lungs to bring an awareness to you
this day of the grand new opportunity that stands on your doorstep
that is here to greet you.


For a moment become aware of how air fills the entire planet, how
everybody lives on this oxygen. Become aware of the plants and the
animals and then visualise your self walking through a beautiful
forest. Smell the trees, smell the wood, the dampness and in your
minds eye become aware of the most powerful variations of green that
you have ever seen on the trees, the foliage and all of that in this
forest and then sit down. Feel the dampness of the wild grass around
you, place both your hands in your imagination of the earth and now in
your heart bring gratitude to the fore as you give thanks to the Earth
for this opportunity, the honour to be incarnated again into Her
reality, for beloved ones the message to you from the Earth is a
message of thanks and ultimate gratitude for the deep connection and
the commitment that you have with Her. So if you have never heard the
Earth speak I give you a moment of silence where I ask you through
your hands and your base chakra and in your imagination to communicate
that which is in the crown expressed through the heart and then hear
how the Earth will respond to you through the invisible forces of

Long pause.

The Earth loves you, the Earth cares for you. You see as with your
physical mother She also served as a grand mother energy for you, for
when each human is carried in preparation in the womb of its mother
that mother and the unborn child communicates to the womb of Mother
Earth and the womb of Mother Earth is Her nature, Her consciousness.
Mother Earth asks that you leave this day and be aware of Her, every
step of the way as She is aware of, carries and supports you every
step of the way.


Now in your minds eye stand up and in your minds eye shake yourself
off, shake your pants off, wipe your hands on your trousers as humans
like to do and let’s journey on through this beautiful forest.

The mist is setting in and on either side of you is this tiny little
pathway, just feel the presence of nature, the trees, the foliage, the
flowers, become aware of colour in this forest.


Now slow down for a moment on this journey. There are a couple of
flowers that grows just next to the path, I wish to give you a moment
to bend down and smell them. Identify a few of them. In your
imagination identify the smells, the colour, the fragrance, the
energy, thus the attitude of the flower.


Very good then we move along, and in the distance there is a beautiful
lake with the forest stretching on either side.


Before reaching the beach, the sands on the shore of the lake I want
you to turn around and face the forest that you have just come from
and express your deep gratitude to that reality.


To the Earth and all She stands for.


Now turn around and step onto the sand. I will give you a moment in
your minds eye to release from your body all that which limits you, if
you find your clothes restrictive take it all off, it matters not.
Release from your consciousness that which holds you back, which
limits you and you do so that by feeling the grains of sand under your
feet, feel your feet on the beach.

Ahead of you is an exquisite lake, it is so still you can see the
reflection, like mirrored glass, of every surrounding image, not
moving even a nano millimetre.

Now very slowly and gently begin to walk into the water, one step at a
time. First of all your feet, then walk in deeper to your knees, feel
what it feels like to have this beauty surrounding you. Drop your arms
on your side, step in deeper and then when it gets to about your
chest, dive into the water, dip deep under the water come up and
immediately turn over and float on your back, looking up into the sky.


Here the reminder is for you to understand that emotions is an
integral part of your human existence and as with everything in life,
a good balance is required. Emotions is a very important part of your
journey for your emotions together with your senses is what creates a
Divine opening to the higher mental field of the sixth chakra.

Now floating on your back in this beautiful tranquil waters stretch
your arms out to either side, put your head back in the water and just
float. I want you to feel the velvet texture of this water.


And now, put your head back in this water so that your ears are below
the water level as I ask you to create a divine connection with the
essence of the water. I will give you a moment as I wish you to
address your emotional body and create a Divine interplaying
communicative energy between the emotional body and the physical body.
Listen to the messages coming from the water.


If there are none just let it be, but be aware of the velvet feeling
of the texture of the water. Smell the Divine powerful smell of the
underwater plants and algae, the natural smell of lakes and rivers.


And now you drift out on this beautiful lake and as you do once you
have communicated your thoughts to your emotions open your eyes in
your mind only, your visualisation, thus not physically and look up
and see the most exquisite sky and cloud formation above you and now
let everything drift and disappear around you as you find yourself
floating on this beautiful cloud.


This cloud that you are floating upon is a Divine reflection that you
have embraced within the emotional side of your self which was
reflected on the water. From this aerial view take a look at the
planet. Visualise your self floating high up in the heavens looking
down onto the planet. See the planet as a whole from a distance and
then also see if you can feel the process or the energies of the other
planets in close vicinity of the Earth and the Sun.


See if you can form a mental picture of those planets, use whatever
information you have and then visualise it.


And fill your heart with gratitude towards this Universe and all other
Universes for it ALL is part of the ONE. Fill your heart with
gratitude towards all of the other planets in the Solar System.


And then bring your attention back to the Earth as you now bring your
self gently down, again floating in the lake.


It is now time for you to turn around and to swim towards the other
end, the opposite side of the shore that you stepped in, and reaching
there you step out and standing on the shore is a wonderful being, an
Ascended Master, who hands you a big beautiful warm blanket to wrap
around your self.


Now I wish for you in your mind to recognise that Master.


As you sit down and the Grand Master instantly manifests a beautiful
fire for you to warm you. A grand fire, a bonfire if you like.


I now wish for you to stare deeply into the essence of that fire.


Stare deeply into the flame formation of that fire, and as I give each
of you a time to share introduce me first to the Master that sits next
to you and then briefly in one line tell me what you see.

I will begin with the sister on my left. Sister you may begin.

Sister: Master Hilarion.

MK: And?

Sister: Master Jesus.

MK: What do you see in the fire?

Sister: No I am too over ward to what is happening.

MK: Well that is very good. Then the time for you to step back
completely from your reality as you have know it before has come.

Sister: Thank you.

MK: You are welcome. Next please.

Sister: Master Jesus and I see liquid gold.

MK: Beloved sister the liquid gold is a wonderful welcome to the
opening of your crown energy, which a lot of you will experience.

Sister: Thank you.

MK: Next please.

Brother: Master Jesus and I am been shown my future in the fire.

MK: What do you see?

Brother: What my intention is.

MK: Which is?

Brother: Improving my healing.

MK: There is a time for yourself needed now which will help you to
bring the two different levels of your reality together. It is time
for introspection and a time for balance and more so than ever before
you are asked to release your fears and trust. Blessings be with you.

Brother: Thank you.

Sister: I see you Lord Kuthumi and I see a diamond crystalline energy
in the fire.

MK: Beloved sister there is an awakening waiting for you of a very
high frequency which you will be integrating through your work and
also the time has come for you to fully express who you are.

Sister: Thank you.

MK: You are welcome.

Sister : I see Master Jesus, and from the centre of the fire there
expands a golden light.

MK: Sister you are asked to step out of old paradigms and to do so by
purposefully embracing your power as a divine being of light.

Sister : Thank you.

MK: You are welcome.

Sister: Lord Jesus, and just the colour gold.

MK: That also sister is an indication of activity opening up the
higher levels of communication within the crown. A lot of you will
experience the colour gold in many ways not only through this
activation but in the weeks to come and that of course is a direct
relation to the activity within the crown which of course is being
converted into crystalline mother of pearl.

Sister: Thank you.

MK: Next please.

Sister: I saw Master Lee Wong and I was just staring at the flames of
the fire.

MK: Sister the indication is here for you to take some time out. The
busy mind is too busy and the key to that is to learn to meditate or
if you find that too difficult is to download some activations which
you can get I am sure through your earthly broadcast system called the
internet or perhaps you could get that in musical CD’s where a guiding
meditation would be very good for you to begin to slow down.

Sister: Thank you.

MK: You are welcome.

Brother: Lord Melchizedek, and I just feel and sense spiritual power.

MK: Brother there is a brand new awakening that is happening within
you at this time in fact it has been active within you more
prominently so over the last number of weeks, 5 to 6 weeks and what
that is bringing to you is a whole new level of truly trusting the
self. For you see everything begins and ends with the self and by
embracing that trust you will come to know the higher aspects of your
self as part of the integral whole. Blessing be with you.

Brother: Thank you.

Sister: St. Bartholomew who turned into your energy, and I saw the
green gaseous flames from the fire and the fire was being fed from the
Earths centre.

MK: Beloved sister there is also in your mind a great deal of business
and activity and also perhaps what is very important is for you to
become the best teacher that you can be because you are a natural
teacher and to do so by teaching others and therefore you will teach
yourself. You are asked to in your current situation where you find
your self leading various groups experiencing the power of your horses
and the love of these animals to also bring in a more active energy of
the truth and realisation of the reality of the planet and to share
this with the people on the journeys that you go on, to create a kind
of magical energy that will allow them to expand their own thinking,
do you follow that?

Sister: I do but obviously I’ll do studying up on that because it is
not exactly clear.

MK: Become aware of the plants in your area. Become aware of what
grows there and the purpose of that and then teach these, bring in the
nature aspect together with the animal force and you will help many

Sister: Thank you.

MK: You are welcome.

Sister: Master Jesus and I saw a cross roads and a gate and I think
that is where I am at.

MK: Very much, you have summed it up. The energy right now is for you
to not make any hasty decisions but rather to take a deep, deep
breathe, hold it for quite a bit and as you exhale to just embrace
where you are at and then instead of looking at the limitations and
irritations rather embrace the expansiveness beyond that. Push the
limitations of your mind. Blessings be with you.

Sister: Thank you.

Sister: I am with Jeshua, and I see in the fire tremendous light and

MK: Sister the light and colour is there also to remind you to become
more aware of light and colour in everyday activities in all that you
see around you and like with so many of you instead of complaining
about that which you can not see or feel, rather embrace that which is
possible. Blessings be with you.

Sister: Thank you.

Sister: To my deep embarrassment, try as I might I was unable to stay

MK: Well that is a lovely place to be.

A: Laughter.

MK: That is a lovely place to be, you see sister the mind is so active
it thought hell no instead of me giving her the visualisation let me
just shut off the experience. You need sleep.

Sister: Yes.

MK: You need rest, embrace that and enjoy it.

Sister: Thank you.


MK: Beloved ones what you saw in the fire is what has been given to
you from a higher aspect of your self. It is a reality picture of that
which you dream about…….our dear sister would you like to dream

A: Giggles.

MK: It is that which you desire for your self and of course for some
at a subconscious level that which your energy is pushing you to
embrace constantly. More so often that not you run your self against a
dead end don’t you?

A: Yes.

MK: That is because the lower aspect, listen to this, that is because
the lower aspect of the higher mind refuses to let go.


The lower mind operates on the solar plexus level, the higher mind
operates on the third eye level, the highest aspect of the lower mind
knows that there’s got to be more to life, you’ve gone past that, you
have graduated from that aeons ago. So where you are at now, where you
know there is more to life, you no longer entertain there’s got to be,
you know it. So from that knowing you still run your head against the
wall all of the time because you refuse to see that if you open your
eyes there is a doorway, so instead of going through the doorway you
prefer to keep your eyes closed and bang it against the side of the
doorway all of the time, had you but moved an inch across you would
have slipped through. So the lower aspect of the higher mind which is
your doubting, the fears that are still there, the inability to accept
something fantastic in your life, something great, something truly
wonderful. That is what keeps challenging you, now that is what I
meant with the push. It is either that or it is a vision that you see
for yourself that is reflected through the energy of Spirit, the fire.

The Master that sat next to you or that embraced you with a warm
blanket is a Master that is working with you personally at this time.
It is also a Master that you are asked to acknowledge even in their
absence, to call upon them and work with them and ask that Master to
help you realise your journey of truth, to introduce you to your
spirit guides which is obviously where this series will take you in
the year to come, for the ultimate of this is to realise the powerful
energy that is cradled within self realisation and to embrace that
knowing who you are.

The message is for you to come to terms with your reality by being
aware and working with the elements of your planet, earth, water, fire
and air which I have just journeyed you through and then through the
process of Ether to make it work for you.

Beloved ones the time is NOW to live your life, to be grateful for
this experience, to challenge its difficulties and if all else fails
to hose yourself about it (have a good old loud laugh at yourself)

A: Laughter.

MK: I AM Kuthumi, I AM the Lord and the Master Chohan of the Golden
Rays of Love and Wisdom and I greet and I tickle you in love.


A: Thank you, Adonai.
Posted by Chanel Lingenfelder at 2:34 PM 0 comments
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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Goddesses: Artemis & Ishtar

Staying Focused

New Dimensional Third eye – level 3

Transmitted through Chanel Lingenfelder

Durban South Africa

September 23 2010

Please note – The information of this Transcript is free and should be
made available to all that feels drawn to it, however please do not
add, change or alter any of its contents

Should you wish to experience this or any of the other initiations,
simply quieten your mind; find a comfortable place where you will be
undisturbed, connect with the Energy of Spirit and set the intent for
your rewire as you please. This will automatically be facilitated by
your higher self for your greater good.

Special Thanks to Brandon for Transcribing

*** *** ***

I AM Ishtar, greetings to you.

A: Greetings.

GI: I AM the Goddess of the Sun of the Moon of the Stars and indeed I
AM the Goddess of Love, greetings to you.

A: Greetings

GI: Dear beautiful children, you as divine beings have come to enjoy a
lifetime of playing and having fun on this beautiful planet of yours.
A planet I once shared with you as Ishtar. I AM a Goddess of great
intensity as you may call it, some have their own expression thereof
but that falls more in the line of obliviousness and judgement than it
does of the true expression of who I truly was and am.

You see dear ones, dear beautiful children of the light you have come
to play and have fun and instead most of you are acting like little
brats throwing your energies around, creating a great mess and fuss as
you go along, upsetting the apple cart as you say, kicking sideways
instead of striding forwards. Well my deliverance to you today is to
bring back that memory to you, to bring back that divine understanding
of the process of having fun.

You see back in the days of Babylon, people knew how to have fun, and
of course some did over step the boundaries somewhat I may add, but
that was entirely their process. Now you are back on this planet, many
of you have walked at that time. Many of you who have overseeing
energies from that time and here you are in the beautiful year of
great creation, 2010, as you refer to it and there seems to be quite a
limitation around as far as consciousness is concerned wouldn’t you
say, yes. Everywhere you go on your planet there are dense pockets
within the intensity levels of the collective unconsciousness and
humanity runs themselves against that wall all of the time and some of
them or shall we say a great lot of them have such fun doing so that
they end up running back and forth hitting themselves all of the time,
having fun with pain, well that is how it seems, that is how it comes

Now if you are tired of this, if you have had enough of your
painstaking repetition, I would strongly suggest to open your EYE and
see for yourself what is there ahead of you for you to be jubilant
about to be excited about and for you to be divinely sensuous about.

A: Giggles.

GI: I AM the Goddess of great sensuality and you could be that too.

Drop the act, drop the fact that you have placed yourself within a
tiny little mould that says, I am fearful, I am ashamed of myself and
express yourself divinely as I do and you could be that too.

You see you have now reached within the current teachings of your
third eye process through this particular channel a level or degree of
understanding that for as long as you are going to be so sour, you are
just going to fade away when it comes to creating your reality. It is
very difficult and I understand it is, from the aspect of the feminine
energy to realise the balance that needs to be created within your
active third eye for you to come to grips with the understanding that
indeed you create your own reality and if you do so or if your reality
is not quite yet spot on there awaiting for your to then have some fun
about it, for you see the emotional side of the personality fears
restriction, it yearns freedom, yet typical, give it freedom and it
doesn’t know what to do with it, it sits there and it says ‘well I am
free, so what now, what do I do with this freedom’. Be sensuous; be
excited, that is what I would say.

Excitement is held in the very core of what you term your third eye
for you see that as you know it is where you receive your great
inspiration from and as you beautiful cuddly ones know, inspiration
actually means being inspired and what does that mean,
anyone….inspirited, yes. So you are in great spirits therefore you are
inspired. Have you ever heard someone saying to another ‘oh you are in
great spirits today’, yes.

A: Yes.

GI: You are inspired, that is the spirit aspect of this energy that
today you will come to hear a little bit about, after I have completed
my visit through my dear sister, Artemis.

Now inspiration as you see it is one of the greatest keys of this
particular energy centre, why, can anyone tell me, come on little
cuddly ones?

A: Silence.

GI: Because it centralizes you doesn’t it, when you are inspired about
something you are focused aren’t you?

A: Yes.

GI: Correct, you are inspired. What are you inspired about?

Sister: Inaudible.

GI: I beg your pardon.

Sister: I am just repeating you.

GI: You are inspired about mumbling.

A: Laughter.

GI: We are all inspired by you Divine Goddess.

A: Laughter.

GI: Being inspired sister, and you may repeat me as often as you like,
I quite enjoy the process, after all I AM Ishtar.

A: More laughter.

GI: Being inspired keeps you focused and that focus prevents you from
a wavering eye. When you receive an invitation for a dance to attend
and this invitation was given to you by a inspiring young man, you are
greatly excited about that aren’t you?

A: Yes.

GI: Now let me tell you something, during the process or the time
lapse between when your beloved gave you the invitation to the dance
and the actual dance do you think of how many other boys you are going
to dance with?

A: No.

GI: Then that means you are focused on the inspiration of being with
your loved one and that energy is then returned to you, do you

A: Yes.

GI: That is being focused, being scattered is thinking, ‘ oh dear
goodness me, I didn’t truly want to attend the dance with that
gentlemen but I will arrive with him and then dance with everyone else
and then leave with someone else, do you understand?

A: Laughter.

GI: Your inspiration is still the dance yet your focus has now changed
from dancing with your beloved, you don’t actually care who you dance
with because the ego side of the personality says ‘ it is important
for me to be seen at the dance, it doesn’t matter how I get there, who
I leave with and who I intermingle with, what matters is for me to be
there, to be seen’ and then that of course goes into a great new
division within the solar plexus where all of that energy is being
sent forward by various other channels and energy nerve plexuses to
absorb and recreate the whole outplay of that emotional drama and the
blanket of your egotistical self, but up here where we are focused on
the third eye, you are now focused on this dance that you are going to
attend with your beloved, the excitement comes into you about the
dance, about your beloved. You begin to plan yourself for the event,
you say ‘oh dear what shall I wear’.

A: Giggles.

GI: Isn’t that usually the first question that arises.

A: Yes.

GI: And it is exciting, and here I need to add, it is time for
humanity to enjoy the expression of their divine sensual self, without
any ulterior motives. Let me put it straight I can see you are
completely lost.

A: Laughter.

GI: Get out of the ego of having to have your tight butt seen in a
tight jean and rather enjoy wearing it.

A: More laughter.

GI: Because you love yourself, do see the difference?

A: Yes.

GI: Once again it is between being focused and completely scattered,
that is why they call it scatter brains, there is no focus.

You received the invitation; you have planned yourself a beautiful
garment, a wonderful attire to wear, you plan your date for the
evening, for the gentlemen, you are getting excited because you have
given this dance invitation to the one that you feel attracted to.
Remember you are not quite married to them yet, or completely tied up
with them or otherwise you probably would’ve sent them an e-mail.

A: Laughter.

GI: But now we are talking 20’s dear, we go back to the romantic era,
the era of hand delivered dance cards, and hopefully only has your
name on it.

A: Giggles.

GI: Well you know things do change, as they say, don’t get caught up
without having the winds of change behind you, otherwise you might
face great frustration I might add.

You prepare yourself for the dance and you look forward to the event.
You now have your beautiful outfit all ready, you decide what to wear
and everything is in place and now with each day towards the build up
of this dance you are given greater excitement of the event, you awake
in the mornings and you retire in the evenings and all that is on your
mind is the dance and seeing your beloved at the end of that week.

Now that creates a divine focus for you to yearn towards, the key word
– to yearn towards – that which you wish to create. Long towards is
having that in a divine energy which says I have already experienced
it. Yearn towards is saying I wish to experience something that I
believe is a possibility, do you follow me?

A: Yes.

GI: So here what you are doing, you are yearning towards that and once
you have experienced it you are going to long towards it. So what we
are saying here is, instead of being unfocused on that which you yearn
for and longing towards, for the attraction is already there, become
completely focused and you do so by deciding what you want.

Now I believe that you have received numerous messages in your time as
avid channelling groupies.

A: Laughter.

GI: About yearning and being and longing, and of course you have been
asked on numerous occasion especially through our beloved Lord
Kuthumi, on knowing what you want. Now I am going to ask you each
seeing this is a small group, what do you want dear one. Share some,
quick, quick, quick, quick, quick.


I don’t have all day you know.

Sister: To live a peaceful, joyful life.

GI: And what prevents you from doing that?

Sister: Nothing really.

GI: Then why aren’t you living it sister, are you living it?

Sister: No, because there are a few irritations around me.

GI: The greatest of which of course is in your mind, not so?

Sister: Probably yes.

GI: Well then you need to cut yourself off and to stay focused on the
dance and who you want to dance with, do you follow me?

Sister: Yes.

GI: Anybody else?

Sister: Yes, I focus on the dance but no one wants to dance with me.

GI: Well perhaps you have bad breath.

A: Laughter.

GI: Sister that is just our humour, why are you saying that?

Sister: Because I long for a partner, a new partner in my life, my
match, I got it down to the word, my match hasn’t arrived yet.

GI: Well perhaps you must look for your match in the opposite, you do
know that they say opposites attract, yes.

Sister: Yes.

GI: So your match may, and this goes for many people, dear beautiful
cuddly ones, your match may not necessarily be a person that is on the
same level thought process as you, did you like that, would you like
me to repeat that.

Sister: That is a surprise.

GI: Yes of course it is a surprise, life is full of surprises, and I
Ishtar, I am the Queen Goddess of surprises.

A: Laughter.

Sister: And here I was looking for someone on my level.

GI: Perhaps you need to look on the other side of the mirror, you see
humanity has this desire to have a partner who is like them, a partner
that they can share things with and do things with, but you have
chosen various energies within this lifetime to experience and
overcome and bleed into. Perhaps one of those experiences is to find a
partner that is actually quite opposite you in perhaps your spiritual
belief but very much like you in everything else and that creates a
divine dance, do you understand, for even those that may be together
as one in a though process are very opposite as beings, as people and
it was intended to be like that. It was never intended for you to be
able to clone someone as you and call them your partner.

A: Laughter.

GI: Do you understand that?

Sister: Thank you.

GI: So go out and have some fun and perhaps look in a different corner
and if all else fails find yourself a new dance card. Go to a new
venue, do something differently. You see dear sister perhaps one day
you might attend a bird watching meeting and you may look into the
eyes of someone suddenly where you see yourself, irregardless of his
background, irregardless of his belief systems, irregardless of where
you see yourself together and by doing that you remove the desperation
which is usually the foundation of yearning and longing in a third
dimensional level and you replace that by inspiration which is the
fifth dimensional aspect of yearning and longing, do you follow me?

Sister: Yes, thank you.

GI: Did you all get that?

A: Yes.

GI: Very good. So you may one day walk upon a group of people and
there you see this man that hits you and as he looks at you, you know,
you feel him because you feel yourself. You are in touch with yourself
therefore you can very easily imagine him being in touch with you and
you being in touch with him and through the inspiration that he asks
you to meet again you develop a new sense of yearning and longing for
those are already balanced in a lower level by your true
acknowledgement of the origin of that yearning and longing not to come
from the corner stone of desperation but rather through the mitosis
(division) of inspiration because you love yourself already. He cannot
love you more than you love yourself. When I bring teachings of
touching the self, for those of you that have experienced it in the
past, is there anyone here that have experienced the teaching of
touch, do you remember that?

A: Yes.

GI: It got everyone quite nervous didn’t it?

A: Laughter.

GI: That was intended, I AM the Queen of touch. Like it, love it or
lump it, as you say.

A: More laughter.

GI: Now where was I, in that Goddess power of loving yourself to the
extent that you have an unwavering third eye you are completely
focused on the inspiration that awaits you and through the inspiration
act on your yearning or longing you create an entirely new energy
called love. Because that love is now not thriving on the old retiring
plasma of desperation, it thrives on a whole new energy and that is
the energy that is supplied to you through your plasma called prana as
inspiration in a 5th dimensional context for you now only see the
divineness that awaits you as you enjoy a beautiful evening with this
person having fun, not, who is going to see you for the dress that you
are wearing, but lets face it if he comments on it well then isn’t
that fabulous, at least he has an eye for detail, yes. If he comments
only on that which he sees as projection from you, well then his eye
for detail is definitely destined for yours perhaps, and goodness
knows where that is going to take you.

A: Laughter.

GI: Let’s not go there, not quite yet.

Dear beautiful ones, so understand the process of staying focused
through your inspiration as opposed to staying focused through your
desperation, that is very important, in fact that is the corner stone
of the teaching that I have for you today.

It is really important for you to bring back sensuality into your
lives, to gather yourself as beautiful beings and to love your life
and express it, be the wonderful person that you are and always make
sure that wherever you are in life there is a divine destiny out at
play and to have fun embracing the experience instead of controlling

Now we have asked you this day to bring along some tools as you say.

I should have asked you to come along in some exotic under
clothes….Goddess Ishtar giggles.

A: Loud laughter.

GI: Dear ones, dear beautiful bubbly ones, cuddly ones, gorgeously
sensual ones, be the goddess that you are, be the god that you are and
remember to express yourself divinely wherever you go.

Now you have brought yourself along a beautiful crystal, take it in
your hands please.


Now I want for you to close your eyes, put your curiosity in your
pocket, and I want you to hold your crystal in your right hand open
like this.

Now this is your right hand isn’t it, are you sure it is you right

A: Yes.

GI: Good, now the right side of your body is the masculine side that
works with the past not so?

A: Yes.

GI: The left side of your body is the feminine side that works with
your future not so?

A: Yes.

GI: Now very interestingly you will find that if you are right handed
that is more or less correct. When you are left handed things may
shift for you a bit. Is there anyone of you in the room that’s like

One sister in the group says she is left handed.

GI: So perhaps you will feel that your left side of your body feels
more powerful than your right side not so because of that, so as with
everything else dear beautiful ones nothing is set in stone, but let
us say for argument sake that you are all right handed and you sister
just create the opposite in your mind ok.

I am being asked to add that the right hand and the left hand side of
the body in a person that is left handed still remains like that. Your
right hand side is still your masculine side, your past, your left
hand side is still your feminine side, your future, yet to you it may
feel that way and it is usually that what creates in females quite a
powerful masculine energy of force and control and in males the
opposite, do you follow me, it can create confusion. Do you follow me

Sister: Yes.

GI: Can you relate to what I am saying?

Sister: Yes.

GI: Very good, we do not need an interpreter then let us go ahead.

You have this crystal in your right hand, I now want you to keep this
crystal up as I am doing (she indicates to hold it up at shoulder
level), so that your arm is supporting it instead of lying on your


I now want you to visualise, not in the crystal, in your hand and
place all of the energies that so far you have felt yourself to have
been unsuccessful about. The failures that you still have stuck in
your mind, the things you believe you shouldn’t have done, the things
you believe you should have done differently, it matters not. Place it
in your hand, don’t concentrate on the crystal, just place it in your


Eventually you will find that your hand becomes so heavy and paining
that you actually feel like you’ve just got to rest it now, correct?

A: Yes.

GI: Fine, rest it a bit.

Now place the crystal on your left hand and I want you to raise the
crystal higher than the previous level and now I want you to project
into your hand all of that which you see yourself creating in future.
Put in there all of your visualisations, your happiness, your ability,
your excitement, put in their your future dreams, holiday
destinations, your sensual exotic self, put in there everything that
you dream for your self, do your realise what the difference is?

A: It’s not so heavy.

GI: The left hand is not heavy, did you experience that?

A: Yes.

GI: Even though it was higher, therefore the gravitational pressure
should’ve been greater not so?

A: Yes.

GI: But it was less and let me tell you something right now, even
though it is a matter of speaking to have a projection of the
masculine/feminine, past/future and all that, physically there is very
little difference between the left and the right side of your lower
physicality, I am not talking about the brain or the heart area.

So by using a projection of your beautiful minds you create a new
picture, do you understand that?

A: Yes.

GI: Can you quite agree to that?

A: Yes.

GI: Now let us do this again, let us place just for argument sake, for
my sake, place your crystal back in your right hand. Now raise the
right hand up much higher and then project not into the crystal, into
your hand everything that you desire for yourself, the future, great
excitement, your dreams and all of your loving energy and you will see
that that can stay just as long as the left did, do you follow me?

A: Yes.

GI: And if you reverse the process and bring your left hand lower
which means it is at a lower pressure so it should be easier and you
concentrate with your thought form the same heaviness into that hand
it will carry the same burden, do you follow me?

A: Yes.

GI: Now what does that teach you?....come on dear bubbly beings.

A: It’s all in your mind.

GI: Your mind has the ability to overcome anything, do you need more
proof. I have a huge library full.

A: Laughter.

GI: I just thought I would entertain you with something quite tangible
that you can see for your self that you can understand for yourself.

Now why did I ask you to hold your crystal on your hand, who can
answer me that?

A: Silence.

GI: Who can be so bright to tell me?

A: Silence.

GI: I’ll break the suspense, because ever since you were asked through
this channel or suggest for you to bring along a crystal that you can
relate to your third eye with, you have already programmed the energy
of your lightness and your heaviness into that crystal. Do you

A: Yes.

GI: So you already decided that is the crystal that I relate too, that
I would like to work with, so you have already subconsciously
programmed that crystal with not only the lightness of your being but
certainly the heaviness of your trauma, did you get it?

A: Yes.

GI: Anybody that didn’t get it, we will send you a fax print out.

A: Laughter.

GI: What I am trying to share with you at this time is, through the
power of your mind and this particular case the higher mental area
which is the third eye has the ability to overcome but anything. You
also have the ability to rescript it with anything you want, why limit
your self as to where you are going to go with that, get it?

A: Yes.

GI: Very good.

Now we would like for you to change all of that by bringing the two
hands together, we are going to ask you to do both hands. First of all
place your right hand underneath and your left hand on top and you may
look at me, I know you cannot wait to.

A: Giggles.

GI: So, in this way you are holding the support of your past
supporting the projections of your future. Now we wish not to bring
any heavy energies into this space, therefore relax your hands on your

We are now going to ask you to take your focus on that which you wish
to create for yourself and visualise that.

Stop, stop, stop, I can already see you are all building castles in
the sky.

A: Laughter.

GI: Let’s get real. Let us ask you to create something within the
immediate future that you want to create for yourself, for example our
sister wishes for a date. Then she is going to use that as a game and
visualise for yourself a beautiful date in your minds eye, in other
words in your visual centre, in your third eye.

Visualise what you wish to create for yourself soon. Should you wish
to create for yourself buckets of money, see it, a new income, a new
job, do you wish to create for yourself a new car, do you wish to
create for yourself a way to loose a pound, put it there, anything
easy and light, something obtainable, easily obtainable. Have you got

A: Yes.

GI: I am not going to ask you to share with each other what you’ve
got, for this is your process, an easily obtainable goal, something
which you may manifest within, give yourself a month, two, six months
to a year, which ever period.

Have you got that?

A: Yes.

GI: Now I wish for you to bring your crystal with your right hand
supporting the left up to the level of your third eye and now
visualise your new tanzanite chakra, the rewired new dimensional
energy, shedding light rays, streams of light into that crystal and
then visualise how you program that crystal with that vision, and see
that vision inside that crystal.


And once you feel you have sufficiently charged that crystalline
energy with what you desire you may relax your hands.

Long pause.

The objective here is for you to bring into a tangible reality that
which you see for yourself, so instead of just wishing, praying and
hoping for that which you want it is now contained within
consciousness isn’t it. Crystal carries great consciousness doesn’t

A: Yes.

GI: And the clearer the crystal the sharper the transmission of
sending messages not so?

A: Yes.

GI: Yes, allow that to transform you.

That does not say that if a crystal is not clear it does not transmit
messages but you all know by now that the clearer the quartz the
quicker the receiving and sending of transmitters don’t you?

A: Yes.

GI: The crystal is for you to hang onto, to remind you of your focus,
for you to finally come to grips with your picture. Do you desire what
you desire for desperation or destination, is your destination to be
inspired by the longing and the yearning of your 5th dimensional
energy which knows your power as a person and as we asked this channel
to print, knows you by name, or does your memory bleed off old
forgotten desperation because of your self having to cover self up
time and again through your inability to truly accept yourself as
inspired as inspirited.

And in light of the fire within you I urge you to love yourself, I
urge you to adore yourself and I ask you to be your sensual self, and
to do so by loving yourself, by touching yourself, by knowing who you
are, and who you are is not who someone else have labelled you as. You
are your divine self, you have a different name dear beautiful beings
and that name is for you to play your game and to have fun doing it,
and to be excited, to stay focused, by being inspired.

And with that until we meet again, I greet you.


A: Thank you, goodbye.


Greetings to you I AM Artemis.

A: Greetings.

GA: So we meet again, I come to speak to you today about your
invitation to get to know yourself in the right way for your job is
not to see yourself as some frilly little thing but rather to explore
your reality by creating for yourself a new one and with that to
create for yourself a new name and as my sister, the beautiful Goddess
Ishtar has shared, to do so by playing the game and through that to
create new rules for yourself, support your game in the way you like
to play it, for you see instead of hurrying after another and always
crying because of some other rather create for yourself a beautiful
place, a place of love, a place of understanding and a place of great
focus. Which of course is my speciality, or should I rather say my
speciality (Goddess Artemis says ‘speciality’ in a sensuous manner, as
Goddess Ishtar would have said it).

I can not be like that I am so sorry.

A: Laughter.

GA: It is not in my personality or make up, as I told you before I am
not your mother, let us get things straight.

A: Loud laughter.

GA: So, the focus here today is on being focused without being
scattered, now let me just truthfully tell you the story from the very
beginning, I have got absolutely no patience with anyone that is
scatter brained, that is also not part of my make up.

A: More laughter.

So the scatteredness is the refractions of your, shall we say,
uncomposed energies, and the uncompossed energies I am speaking of is
of course your dark side yes, the side that is not enlightened, that
is the only darkness there is about it, it does not actually reflect
to something that is dark or bad, it simply says there is an aspect of
you that is not completely enlightened and therefore it is not
focused. To use the analogue that my dear sister has shared with you
earlier on, you receive the invitation for the dance to go to see this
beautiful person you want to dance with and of course you stay focused
all throughout the week, now the darker aspect of yourself is the
shadow side and of course the shadow side is the nervous unknowing
side that is not enlightened in other words that is the aspect of you
that brings in the doubt, that brings in the inability to trust
yourself, for you will keep on saying, ‘ I hope he is going to like my
shoes’, and then the lighter side of you says, ‘but he wont even
notice your shoes, they are under your dress’.

A: Laughter.

GA: But you will walk past the shop three times to make sure you are
buying the right shoes, and guess what, he is never going to see your
shoes so get over yourself.

A: More laughter.

GA: So you have this constant vibration of push and fight with
yourself as you now understand between being focused and being
scattered lies the same bridge as between being desperate and being
inspired, it is exactly the same thing. So the object now for you, to
continue with this exercise, is to let go of all of the old vibrations
that really ask you to be so scattered, that ask you to be in denial
about yourself, that you are not able to trust yourself and of course
that brings to you the constant insecurity about yourself.

In the new energy where you are heading towards and of course that
which has been anchored onto your plane over the last while, you will
come to realise your new name. Now……please as if someone is going to
rename you (Goddess Artemis giggles), you can if you want but you do
not have to physically for you are already receiving a new name.

I want you now to hold your crystal in the level on your third eye.
Relax, and concentrate on nothing (Goddess Artemis laughs out loud).

A: Giggles.

GA: Very difficult for you, concentrate on nothing, I enjoy my own
humour too.

A: Laughter.

GA: Now I want you to bring your crystal slowly and bring it to your
third eye, between your two eyes. Now relax. Now I want you to ask
from your higher energies to download for you into your third eye a
new name, any name. The reason why you are holding the crystal is for
you to take your mind off things.


When you have received your name you may release it, and if you
haven’t received a name well then as they say tough luck, try some
other time. Try again.

Has anyone received a name, any name?

A: Some say yes.

GA: Yes, very good, begin to work with that name; it is a name or one
of the names of the higher aspect of your energy field.

Now for those of you, dear ones, dear darlings ones, that did not
receive a name as yet, we wish for you to continue doing this exercise
until one day you will receive that name. It is one of the names of
your higher self. Your higher self does not fall under one name, it
also responds to many different names or pronunciations or expressions
of a similar energy, do you understand that?

A: Yes.

GA: So if you haven’t quite received it and you are not able to yet,
give your higher aspect a communicative expression without getting
involved in the name that is why you hold the crystal you see, because
if you keep yourself busy with one thing then the abstract will take
over the other, do you understand?

A: Yes.

GA: So there was no true value except for transmitting and receiving
that you hold the crystal here, more so than to take your attention
away from that, you see, it is all to do with control and you are
masters at that.

Now for those of you that need to exercise this do, and for those of
you that did receive some name, and it probably would be quite an odd
or peculiar name, it is definitely not going to be like Samantha and
Dennis, definitely not.

A: Laughter.

GA: In the dimensions above this everything is different; the only
thing that is the same is the principal of love. For love is what will
transform you into that which you desire and what we are doing here is
we are teaching you various ways of getting through this connecting to
that. Do you follow me?

A: Yes.

GA: So, now you as lightworkers you have come through a very powerful
process of integrating higher energies and the most recent of that of
course is that of your 10:10:10, you do remember that?

A: Yes.

GA: Just checking, for you forget things so quickly.

You see what that has created on an energy level, is it has supplied
or supported Mother Earth with a increased frequency of bandwidth so
now as you go and purchase for your self more bandwidth and gigabytes
to download more information and share it, you know as the master
minds behind this new energy have opened up the higher channels
between the collective conscious and unconscious of the planet and the
higher realms for everybody to increase their frequency and therefore
to speed up or increase their bytes and bandwidth. You as the masters
of the new frequency, the new energy, have to be applauded for you are
brilliant and in your brilliance lies the process of the New Earth,
for you see very, very soon in the next three to six months of your
planet you will see an awareness of a new frequency of light unlike
anything you have ever experienced and it is going to happen like that
(clicks her fingers), it is not going to be a whole dragging hum drum
story, but instead it is going to activate and rewire energy at a much
faster and rapid rate which is part of the foundations which you have
now created. There is only one underlying energy here - and that is
the frequency of love. Love is the essence of all that is you for you
see it does not matter how angry you get, how upset you get, there is
only the undercurrent of love that feeds energy into your systems,
into your body, into your chakric systems, into the other energy
systems that eventually activates and is transformed into a light body

You will also see in the next six months to one year a massive change
in the perception of humanity when it comes to the concept of energy
for you will begin to realise that humanity too in their own way are
only so fearful of energy because they are living in a world of
insecurity, in other words they woke up one morning and they heard
something at their door and when they went there and opened the door
they bent down to see a beautiful dance card lying there, but at the
top of the dance card there is no actual name invitation, so they are
not sure who invited them to this dance and because they are insecure
about their own steps and they doubt their own ability to be steered
and to steer thus they are frightened to attend.

Now that concept is changing too and you are all responsible for that,
for you see the imprint of love that you carry in your heart, that you
carry in the higher aspects of your energy field and in the lower, in
other words, the imprint of love that is you is what is imprinting
onto others through the collective unconsciousness to now begin to
shift their focus and instead of being scatter brained, rather
surrender into the process of inspiration and of course there is only
one outcome to all of this and that is to put yourself on your path of
your divinity, so mount your horse, powerfully drive into your future
as you see it to be.

You are not going to get there if you keep wandering whether you
should take a horse or a cart or a car. Decide what mode of transport
you want and then let it go, get there. Take on the invitation of the
dance with love, for you will finally have the chance to express
yourself and to experience in a greater whole the true joy that you
feel knowing your own steps, being able to step this with another like
a dance routine and through that to surrender your control. For you
see as long as you are in control of your desperation the inspiration
will not follow, for you see in inspiration, true inspiration there
cannot be control. You can not say to yourself, I am going to get
excited about something and then you jump up and down for joy can you,
it happens automatically to you doesn’t it?

A: Yes.

GA: That is what humanity fears about energy for they are unable to
control their inspiration, they have to have it flamed through
desperation and they can never just accept it to prompt you by walking
the pathway of Divine Will, and this is why we have given you the
messages of releasing fear, releasing limitation, denial, to bring you
to a new understanding, a short but subtle understanding of a
different way of looking at things, do you follow me?

A: Yes.

GA: Are you awake, I hear some yawns. You are not asleep yet, if you
are I’ll just shake you awake, I just wont mention on which dimension
that would be, just for fun.

A: Laughter.

GA: For you need to have more fun.

I know you can not wait to play with your candles so grab them. You
are sitting here wondering when is she ever going to tell us about the

A: Laughter.

GA: Now perhaps it is not possible for you or perhaps you may find it
very difficult but release your crystal or leave it in your lap or put
it in front of you or put it down but we will give you the essence of
this and then we wish for you to go and practice it by your house or
do you hide your candles in the cupboard, from your husband?

A: No.

GA: I am very relieved; for if you do you are going to find yourself
inside that same closet, and guess what…..I have the key.

A: Laughter.

GA: And sometimes I can be quite different, but ever loving don’t
forget that, I AM Artemis. I don’t play silly games, I write them.

You have your candle in front of you, you are holding it somehow. You
can help each other if you like for it might be a bit difficult for
what you need is to have a flat surface to put your candle on and then
you can light it with a match yes. Now maybe you can help each other
to light your candles but light them all up, but please do not use an
automatic lighter, and do not burn the house down please, for there
are many fabrics and things. If it is very difficult then close the
door and the windows.

Long pause while everyone lights their candles.

Now this is the exercise that I wish for you to follow and believe me
more will be shared on this in time to come, perhaps in your future or
in the New Year, but in the first vibrational exercise of creating
your reality and bringing it into a more tangible level, you were
introduced first of all to an essence that you could call upon and
repeat to create a connection to your higher self, and the name you
were given today. For those of you that heard it fantastic, for those
of you that didn’t hear it I am so sorry, next time better, perhaps
try it by your self and the most important thing is to let doubt go,
for as long as there is doubt you will definitely not have a straight

What we wish for you to do is to be able to create a space for
yourself where you put your candle on your table, your prayer table or
dressing table, dining room table, kitchen table, what ever table, and
then to place it at least an arms length away from you which we are
now going to ask you to do by placing the candle on the floor in front
of you.

Everyone reaches down to place their candles.

Please do not burn the house down, make sure your candle is upright
and safe.

Now, in your own home you can do this in a better way, but for the
purpose of bringing some inspiration for you we asked you to bring
these tools.

You place the candle at least an arms length if not more away from you
in the front, then you place in front of you on your desk the crystal,
which I am now going to ask you to just hold, or even better just
leave it on your lap, leave it on your lap, and please don’t burn the
house down, look out for each other, your eyes are open I hope, for
this particular exercise.

A: Giggles.

GA: But in your house you may close them, but we best suggest for them
to stay open for now. Now visualise what that dream is that you want
to create for yourself in your third eye again, that goal or that
obtainable image, that you believe is obtainable and let me be
straight here, the only thing that makes it unobtainable is your
imagination, but lets be frank, I am very frank, if you want to have
your self $10 million dollars in the bank, it obviously may take a
little longer than to have $10 dollars do you understand, do you
understand the reality that’s here?

A: Yes.

GA: So we ask you for the sake of the exercise to create something
obtainable within your field of reality, easily called upon within
your field of creation.

Now you bring that into your third eye and you see it. Now visualise a
transmitting energy forming between your third eye and your crystal
which incidentally would be somewhere here, normally on a table, but
for now for you it is on your lap. So you visualise, because you have
already put that vision into the crystal didn’t you?

A: Yes.

GA: Now visualise two separate visualisations of the same energy in
other words create for your self a little ball of light, place it in
the third eye, in there outplay that which you wish to create then you
put the little ball into the crystal and in there obviously put in
that which you wish to create and now, we are going to ask you to
triplicate it by visualising above the flame of your candle exactly
the same thing.

Now for two minutes close your eyes visualising the connection between
your third eye and this bubble of your new truth that it contains.
Visualise the crystal having the same and then visualise the
triplicate hovering above the candle the same.

Now open your eyes and I want you to look physically at the area just
above the candle, take your eyes away from the candle, do not look at
the flame. Now visualise the ball above the flame which contains all
of that, which you desire, have you got that?

A: Yes.

GA: Now you will feel the increase of your third eye energy, do you?

A: Mumbling.

GA: Can you feel the third eye increasing in energy?

A: Some say yes.

GA: Is there anyone that does not feel it, if there is tough luck,

A: Giggles.

GA: Now, the reason why that is happening is because the third eye
already has the inspiration of that picture yes.

A: Yes.

GA: The crystal already contains the energy of this, but now
projecting it to above the candle what you are doing means doing this
with true spirit, raw spirit energy which gives it fuel and that
automatically increases the third eye energy

Therefore know today, the moment you light a candle be that at a
dinner party, be that for social play, you are inspiring your vision,
for you light up your flame to bring light, therefore that light,
because it is spirit light, it is not electric light, it is spirit
light, has a relation to the third eye, and that is why very often the
use of candles has created hysteria within many, to become either
spooky or scary or mystical, or you are up to mischief. In fact it is
only because the true energy of the candle allows you a wider
perception of your third eye, for your third eye need no light to
operate itself it simply acts on inspiration, and when it acts on
desperation, that is when you face the not so pleasant side of your
self, or your shadow which is indeed not bad, it is simply unknown, it
is processes still in action.

Now begin to create a formation between your third eye and the bubble
that floats above the flame and then visualise a direct triangle
forming between your third eye, the crystal, the crystal to the flame
and the flame to the third eye, have you got that?

A: Yes.

GA: Now, I want you to visualise this triangle, you can see it’s a
triangle not so?

A: Yes.

GA: Now if you take a circle and you put it inside the triangle with
the circle touching the three sides of the triangle, you’ve got that?

A: Yes.

GA: It’s quite a big triangle yes.

A: Yes.

GA: Now inside that allow a circle to expand your vision. Now the
small vision you had in the three spheres, you are now going to
project, wait for it………always wanting to run away with yourself…you
are going to project from your third eye into this big circle great
excitement about that which you want, in other words bring in the
emotion of excitement, so I am going to give you an explanation. If
you visualise for yourself a motor car, now be excited about the
colour. Then from the crystal you ask for a projection of excitement
when it comes to your senses to be projected in there, in other words
you are now going smell the leather in the car, or you are going to
smell the smell of the tyre as you are going around the corner at

A: Giggles.

GA: The excitement of the senses of your creation, put that into that
holographic picture, which is what you are creating here, triplicate,
get me drift.

Then lastly, this is the difficult part, did you think it was going to
be all down hill.

You are now going to come to peace with your self. You are going to
take one step back and you are going to give the authority of your
emotions and the desire of your excitement when it comes to your
stimuli, your senses, over to your spirit, which is above the candle
and you are going to ask the higher aspect of you and you may now call
it by name, if you got one, if you haven’t then set the intent for
your higher self to project into this holographic picture the true
reality outcome of that desire to the greatest good of you and
everyone that you are involved with, everyone that touches your life.


And now, some more fun, you can open your eyes, place your crystal
somewhere comfortable, and now I want you to work with your
imagination in a beautiful way. We are going to have some play fun.

Your eyes are open, I want you now to use your imagination, now you
know where your third eye is, you do?

A: Yes.

GA: This is very good. You know where your candle is, it is standing
there watching you, you know where your crystal is, so in your
imagination in this energy area of your triplicate reality plasma you
have created a hologram expression two thirds under your influence and
the most important out of your influence, you got that, is there
anyone that did not get that.

Sister: Sorry, could you please repeat that.

GA: Two thirds under your influence and the most important part of it
out of your influence, in other words giving your projection to
spirit, to your higher self, asking your higher self to project into
this hologram a reality outcome of that which you desire if it is not
good for you to have it, if that car is going to cause the end of you,
for you not to have it. So in that way you are giving the control over
to Divine Will, but of course you cannot be sour about it. We will get
to that now.

Now for the fun of this exercise I want you to visualise that you are
actually bending forward and grabbing this dream like this, because
it’s a circle, do you understand me?

A: Yes

GA: Now with your eyes open see a new dimensional aspect of this
hologram between the third eye, remember your crystal is supposed to
be there on the table, did you get that?

A: Yes.

GA: So you will create a triangle of sorts if you want to you can have
your crystal much lower, what ever. So reach for this and then in your
imagination tilt it horizontally and hold it.


Now you have in your hands the probable outcome of that which you have
asked for. You have put in your emotions, you have put in your
pleasurable desires through acting upon your stimuli, your senses and
you have also given over the control for the greatest good, to make
this manifest.

I now wish for you to stand up, go and stand next to your candle or
stand up and put your candle next to you.

Everyone gets up

And then hold in this image your desires but also hold within this
image the reality outcome of this. And then I am going to ask you to
repeat after me;

I release from this day forward all control that I exercise on that
which I desire, I therefore release this into the powers of light, for
it to manifest the best way it should be, influencing me the best way
it could be, for me to be able to have the same effect on others
around me, thus by allowing them to be who they should be by embracing
who I am and through this process of acknowledgement embrace all my
gifts and talents as done, as manifested.

And with that release this disk to float down to your candle and as it
gets closer to the candle the disc becomes smaller and eventually that
energy is lodged in the candle. If it takes you a while for you to do
that, do it. If it takes two or three times for you to visualise this
disc coming down and landing into the candle and being lodged into the
candle then do so, so be it.


When you are ready you may sit down.


Now, in future when you do this exercise you do not truly have to
repeat all of this because it has been anchored into this candle which
is why we advise you to use this and when you light this candle you no
longer have to concentrate on that which is in your third eye and that
which is in your crystal, but you release that into the flame of light
of the candle.

The reason why we are asking you to visualise this floating ball of
energy above the candle is because the fire aspect of you which is
your spirit has so many different aspects that it can not possibility
dedicate its forces entirely unto you and therefore if you in this
dimensional timeline want to create for yourself x, y or z, use the
power of your spirit which understands and knows about your origin as
it vibrates on the ethers of faith that supports it into being, and
light up this faith, this belief, for you see what is the origin of
the candle wax, can you tell me?

A: Bees wax.

GA: Bees wax isn’t that, yes. How would you determine bees to be?

A: Busy.

GA: Busy, how about intelligent?

A: Yes.

GA: So when you light up the candle you light up the intelligence of
your spirit. That is why it brings out either within you deep emotion
and sensuality, sexuality or pure compassion because when you light a
candle, in the origin of its concept, that is to say before the days
paraffin, you light up symbolically the intelligence of your spirit,
and that is why in celebrating every candle that you light, you
celebrate the intelligence of spirit, not just your spirit, but all
spirit. In the spirit of Christmas they light the candles and of
Easter and so on. In the spirit of you, you should light your candle
everyday. In the spirit of another you light a candle, and understand
that as you have today worked with an interdimensional energy and we
are using the portal of creating something tangible and also showing
you how to release that into the ethers of time is for you to now
understand that there is a far greater mission behind the lighting of
a candle and every time you do don’t ever give up to acknowledge
yourself as that divine spirit.

Project for yourself into that light what you desire, do so from your
visualisation, your mind which is your third eye, do so from a
beautiful crystal tool that you relate to, to amplify emotion and
senses therefore sensitivity into that to bring it to life but then
also at the same time have the heart to release the power of your
spirit into a higher force. Have the heart to release the will of your
deep longing of your deep needs therefore either your inspiration
through the positive or your desperation through the negative into a
higher force of Divine Will and then leave that force, be that spirit,
by allowing it to come into Divine Manifestation for you as it should
be, and not because of your control.

Be aware of your self, be aware of your new name and if you have not
received one begin to form a communication between your third eye and
your external forces, allowing this to open for you a whole new
platform of probabilities and possibilities.

Until I am with you again, I greet, I bless you and I remind you to
stay focused.

I AM Artemis,


A: Thank you, goodbye.