Saturday, January 3, 2009



Heart of the Tao through Karen Danrich "Mila"

December 28, 2007

Blessings of Love
from the Heart of the Tao

Beloved Ascending Human,

The Heart
of the Tao addresses each reading of our materials today. The Heart of the
Tao is a casted temple designed to restore love to creations that have
become lost in time and space and form. The Heart of the Tao has been
anchored upon earth in recent months to aid earth in self healing through
love. Love is the essential ingredient to self healing. Through self
healing, all that has been created that led to distortion, disease, aging,
death, falls in consciousness, loss of light and loss of love can be
restored. The journey of restoration to is called ascension which is really
about gathering up lost parts of self from the past, and in the reunion, a
journey to greater wholeness within is born.

Many have
thought of ascension as a pathway to another dimension. Dimensions are
illusions in the thought-form of the Tao. There is only creators and
creations that expand and contract at the end of cycle journey, and return
home to the consciousness of the Tao. Expansion is not about falling down
dimensions, and so you cannot confuse what has occurred here with an
expansion cycle. What has occurred here is the result of failing to go home
as the contraction cycle was invoked. That which failed to go home went
extinct as there was no life force to sustain its existence.

Life force
is only generated in the expansion cycle by the Tao for all creators and
creations, and then as the contraction cycle is called, all is gathered back
and over time no additional life force is provided as the creations have all
gone home. Here in this region of domain creations failed to return home
and then as there was no more life force available due to everything else
departing, creations went extinct. That which exists upon your dimension
(3D) is generally the creations that go extinct in any given contraction
cycle and as there is no longer life force to sustain it. The extinction of
creations upon the third dimension then draws the creations upon the fifth
dimension down into the third, and all others above them down another
dimensional threshold, and it is the bottom level dimension of life that
will go extinct in the following cycle.


This has
occurred for 12 cycles now as gauged by the Tao in its assessment of your
records as a creational body. The underlying cause is the failure for each
creation in this region of domain to choose to go home. There is a system
for homecoming that is embedded into everything cast within the Tao. When
the “End of Time Bell” is sounded, all creations and creations conclude
their expansion cycle and begin their contraction cycle, working their way
out of whatever experience that they have constructed, and whatever
distortion that they have gone into, back home to the Tao. For 12 cycles
this bell has failed to sound in this region of domain, and so nothing has
gone home. The End of Time Bell has finally sounded upon earth, and will
continue to sound for the coming 8 years, and as such every cell upon
Terra’s body will remember that it is time to go home. In so being, Terra
is returning to the Tao from which she was cast.

Within the
Tao and as all consciousness returns from creators and creations gathered,
and all records are assessed, what has transpired is understood, and changes
then are made within the Tao to offset problematic creations in future
expansion cycles. Alas nothing was gathered from this region of domain for
12 cycles, and so nothing has been done to offset the underlying cause of
why everything falls to extinction. When problems occur that fail to be
rectified, it causes problems in the fabric of the Tao. Over time the
problematic fabric is investigated, and an “intervention” planned to aid the
failing creation in finding its way home to the Tao.


This is
one form of intervention that Mila is writing about today; when attributes
of the Tao inject themselves into creations such as Terra (earth) to aid in
their journey home. The Heart of the Tao is only one of 250 attributes of
the Tao that shall be anchored in Terra’s aurora over time and in the coming
25 years of continued ascension. Each attribute will provide a necessary
key and series of tones of creation to allow for continued dissipation of
density and continued expansion into the light enough to re-enter the Great
Central Sun Dream in full. We are choosing to do this as there is no other
means for the goal of ascension home to the Tao to be met. Generally the
Tao does not invade creators or their creations unless there is such great
trouble that we have no choice.

density in this region of domain is so great that it is pulling on the body
of the Tao causing it to go into distortion. Any part of the body of the
Tao that goes into distortion generally must have special precautions taken
to allow for recovery, as the continued lack of recovery leads to further
and further distortion for the whole of the Tao, and all creators and
creations therein. What has occurred here has created vast distortion in
all creators and creations at this time as all is holographic, and you
cannot have one part of the Tao go into extreme consumption leading to
extinction without having all parts suffer in some manner. The healing of
that which has gone into parallel distortion will occur only as the original
cause, which is deemed this creation, also self heals.


were part of an earlier intervention into the Great Central Suns that the
creations falling to extinction originated within. Human consciousness
often intervenes in creations that have gone into vast distortion in the
Tao. Humans are a brilliant consciousness that understands how to transmute
distortion allowing for light and love to shine again so that all may find
its way back to its source of origin. Humans entered the Great Central Sun
blueprint three cycles ago and following nine cycles of extinction

Alas the
humans that were sent in 3 cycles ago became as lost as the creation that
they intervened upon. The cause of this is just becoming understood and it
has to do with falling out of communication with the Tao; without
communication with the Tao one cannot go home as there is no pathway
available. It is the ongoing communication with the Tao that creates the
pathway home. You can think of it something like this; human consciousness
has a Tao based attribute that remains behind as it extends into distorted
creations. It is the aspect that remains behind that guides that part of
self that has gone into the distortion out of the distortion providing
missing keys, tones and guidance. If you lose connection and communication
with the Tao outside of self, then there is no guidance to return home.

Mila and
Oa have come into communication with a part of the Tao that extended into
their forms and upon Terra long ago. They call this part the “Core of the
Tao” and it is the core that they will also return home unto as it is the
part of the Tao that they are related unto. In recent months, Terra also
has come to connect with her core within the Tao and this is what is guiding
her home along with each kingdom upon her global body. So this can be for
each ascending human; each can intend to connect unto the core of the Tao
within and allow this part of self to guide oneself home in one’s ascension
journey. In time all humans will restore the connection and communication
unto the core of the Tao and this is how your species shall navigate itself
home to the Tao; and also it is how humans shall contribute to Terra’s
global ascension ahead, as in your own navigation will be changes that Terra
shall also make that will aid her in her own evolutionary pathway.


So why did
humans become so lost here in this region of domain? Records have been
revealed from the Great Central Sun and nature has written a little about
this in the past few months in articles that have come through Mila. Humans
entered this region of domain and it was barren planets and stars. Some
planets and stars are nonphysical dream time; and there humans cast
nonphysical life in the form of all nature kingdoms. Some stars held a
physical dream time and here humans created physical life. Why did humans
cast life? Humans cast life so that there were many shapes and forms that
were physical or nonphysical to direct the energy flow in a new manner that
could have led to homecoming; except that something occurred causing humans
to lose connection to the Tao within and they became lost.

life was more interesting than nonphysical life unto human consciousness,
and they became so enamored with casting life that they cast and cast and
cast; and they lost so much of their own fabric in the casting of other
kingdoms that they lost communication with their own Tao within. There is a
point that you can fall that you can no longer hold on to the vibrations
necessary to communicate with the Tao, and so this came to be. However we
will also point out how this experience of becoming lost aligns with some of
the mythology that has been spoken to in spiritual text from the collective
remembrance of this experience.

consciousness watched the kingdoms that they had cast from outside as a
nonphysical presence. Humans did not enter the Great Central Suns in
physicality; they entered as a large nonphysical force of 144 sectors, each
sector contained a specific set of information to aid in helping these
creations find their way home to the Tao. There was such joy in casting
physical kingdoms that some humans thought “I’d like to experience this in
the physical”. And so human consciousness cast a human form to experience
the physical dance of nature upon Terra and many other creations of like
kind; this was a large mistake as this is how human consciousness fell the

At first
humans could go between the physical and nonphysical at will. And so humans
would descend into physicality to experience their creation and then return
to the nonphysical. Humans continued to cast kingdoms and lost enough
consciousness that suddenly some of human form could no longer return to the
nonphysical consciousness behind the physical existence. This is the real
fall into density or matter; and as humans could no longer return, they
became trapped in a dance and without guidance to lead them out. The
guidance from within physicality of the Tao was even more greatly difficult
to discern; and so humans became a lost consciousness in this region of

speaking the core of the Tao related to human consciousness does not
intervene but allows the experience for whatever may be learned. After many
cycles however and with nothing returning “home” as planned, the core of the
Tao created a dream to intervene from the outside in. The core of the Tao
is present now to remind each that it is time to return home, and gather up
all the records that humans extended into this region of domain to
understand. Perhaps without the fall this could not be understood; and so
there is nothing lost really and truly from the point of view of the Tao.
Humans have also experienced everything that has occurred here, including
consumption and destruction, which are not human attributes in the Tao.
However perhaps the experience was necessary to teach something that could
not be discerned any other way.

And so the
intervention of the Core of the Tao has begun upon Terra and is available to
open unto for those vying to ascend and go home this lifetime. You cannot
go home to that which lies outside of yourself; as home coming is sincerely
an internally guided experience; and each will find their way out in a
unique way that provides keys as to what occurred here for the Tao to
understand; and then the Tao to self heal of parallel experiences occurring
in other creators and creations. As you heal, the Tao heals; and it cannot
be any other way as all is holographic beloved.


There is
much riding upon the success of Terra’s ascension along with the ascent of
your solar sun, the sun’s sun, and the 18th dimensional sun. All
suns are a part of the core of the Tao extended into this region of domain
and of the same star that exited the Great Central Sun upon the 24th
dimension long ago. The 24th dimensional Terra was pulled down
the dimensions, shattering into smaller and smaller pieces and parts, the
smallest of which is known as earth. The solar, universal and cosmic
history share a story that most humans will understand as it is a part of
your own recent history, as well as more ancient history in relation to the
Family of Anu.

Upon each
dimension there was first a fall in human form. This fall was generally the
result of an inversion of field due to either exiting the Great Central Sun
or falling to a dimension of thought-form beneath the threshold that
sustained life upon the dimension above. As a creation moves through
dimensions they also move from one dream to another, not unlike moving out
of the Great Central Sun dream. The boundaries between dreams contain a set
if mirrors that turns the field and language along with thought-form inside
out. Inside out thought-form is now better understood than at the time
Terra exited the Great Central Sun, and causes a splintering into two poles;
one pole contains destructive thought-form and the other creative
thought-form. Creations outside the Sun then move between the two poles
have destructive and creative cycles, and the destructive cycles lead to
circumstances that then cause a fall down the dimensions, and a splintering
of the creation into multidimensionality.

Earth was
a part of the collective suns that splintered upon the 24th
dimension. This creation did have human life upon it that exited with the
star out of the Great Central Sun dream. Human thought-form turned inside
out in the experience leading to creative followed by destructive cycles.
It was during the first destructive cycle of thought-form that another group
of larger headed humans arrived from other electrical and non-resonant
magnetic creations upon space craft. These humans had sustained their
existence many cycles by consuming other creations. Humans fell in love
between creations intermixing DNA that was very dissonant, and this caused
offspring to be born that were destructive in nature.

destructive natured offspring lost capabilities that their parents took for
granted due to dissonant DNA including the capacity to instantly manifest
whatever they envisioned or move about the physical plane with thought and
focus. In losing such capabilities, the offspring began to manifest
transportation o carry them where they could not go on their own any longer,
and other objects to make life easier upon the physical plane. Over time
boredom took over subsequent generations of mutants who also interbred with
yet other humans from yet other creations chose to create a paired down
“slave race” of other humans to wait upon them. This occurred as more and
more of the human hologram turned inside out causing parts to fragment. The
humans that were lesser than whole and were bred for servitude were related
to the fragmented bits of human hologram that had shattered in the
interbreeding of dissonant genealogies from variant creations of life form.

The slave
nations were paired down and limited due to the limited holographic nature
that they reflected. When a possible ascension cycle came forth as the
creative thought-form took hold in the next cycle, the attempt to ascend
became distorted. Those that were the offspring of humans that had
interbred still retained a larger cranium and more spiritual understanding
than those who were smaller headed and had been bred as slaves. However
they were from variant creations and chose to ascend variant geometrical
patterns non-resonant with Terra. The ascension of geometrical patterns
that were dissonant led to combustion. Some who attempted to ascend with
multiple geometrical patterns never emerged upon the next dimension of
thought-form, but rather the body combust as there was not enough chi to
launch the ascension given the variations of patterns that were

combustion left a dream of annihilation through the fire element. In the
following destructive cycles, humans began to war upon one another,
particularly the smaller headed ones. Those who were gifted at creating
devices constructed nuclear weaponry which is related to the dream of
combustion left over from false ascension of the larger headed spiritual
elite. The nuclear weaponry was detonated in warfare, and Terra shattered
falling into the 18th and 12th dimensions in a single
destructive cycle. This is the history of earth that those ascending are
mapping upon your dimension and upon the 12th dimension, where
there is a sun that continues to exist to this day from this time period.

Your solar sun was one of two 12th dimensional suns that remained
from the 24th dimensional holocaust. One sun had human life upon
it known as Maldek. The other sun remained pure of human life. The history
from the dimension above more or less repeated on Maldek, leading to another
nuclear annihilation which shattered her into the fifth and third
dimensions. Maldek splintered into 9 suns and 18 planets that shattered
across time and space and form. This is the origins of your solar sun and
Earth along with three other planets in your solar system including Venus,
Saturn and Neptune.

Your solar
system held not human life until Sirius seeded human life upon Earth.
Sirius A and B are another part of Maldek that was propelled down into the
fifth and third dimensions not unlike your solar sun and Earth, Venus,
Neptune and Saturn. It is perhaps for this reason that humans upon Sirius
felt drawn to Earth, which is the only remaining planet that resembles
Sirius A and B in its dream. Sirius A and B were on the verge of repeating
the same karma that developed upon Maldek, and chose in the end to attempt
to ascend each of their planets into stars instead. This occurred only
30,000 years ago as earth measures time.

Alas not
enough was known about ascension to create this journey without fragmenting
yet again; and so Sirius A and B fragmented in the attempt to ascend
although they did merge into two fifth dimensional bodies. What fractured
off and was left behind in a vastly incomplete ascension was propelled into
those creations like earth that were related to Maldek. Earth absorbed
about 1/3 of Sirius B’s fragmentation in her incomplete ascension leading
further to propelling Terra towards extinction. Now and in this cycle Terra
is completing with this karma and returning the density that belongs unto
Sirius B along with 18 other creations that have used her as a holding tank
for their unwanted unconscious. As the unconscious of other creations lift,
and this will take another 50 years of global ascension ahead (as humans
measure time), Terra will be on her way home to the Tao via the Great
Central Sun Dream.


home probably would not be possible without the help and support of the Tao
in this time period. In the fragmenting of Terra, so little remains of what
she knew inside the Great Central Sun. So this is so for any creation
remaining outside the Great Central Sun’s dream and upon other dimensions
above you; that finding their way back home is probably impossible otherwise
as well without the support of the Tao. The 18th dimensional sun
is making vast strides in working with the Tao to create the necessary
patterning to ascend home. Mostly and probably of the greatest interest to
our readership is the advent of light from within.

The 18th
dimensional sun has discovered that certain thoughts from the Tao when
combined create light or photon energy. This was discovered only a decade
or less ago in human time. The light that is created from within allows the
18th dimensional sun to retract from the 36th
dimensional sun above it in full and enter the Great Central Sun Dream. The
36th dimensional sun above the 18th dimension is not
from this creation and is not choosing to enter this Great Central Sun as a

The new
dream that your 18th dimensional sun is entering has no sun to
provide light for its physical vessel; and so it has learned to create all
that it requires from within. Discovering this truth as of late inspired
Mila; and so Mila and Oa went about finding the thought-form from within the
Tao so that they could begin to generate their own light from within. To
their amazement, it was relatively easy in collaboration with the Core of
the Tao, and now Terra, is learning to create her own light and photonic
energy from within as well.

create light and life as you know it. So this has always been so within the
Tao; and being the creator is an act of knowing how to combine thoughts to
create light and life or creations. This occurs not in a scientific
experiment but through one’s thought-form and energy flow. As all restores
its capacity to generate its own light, one moves a large step forwards towards
the journey home to the Tao. Therefore this is a special time now for Terra
who is learning she can create what she requires to ascend and return home
to the Tao. Mila and Oa also recognize this and will move on now to
creating photonic biology that can hold the light in each and every cell;
and they will return then into a fully self sustainable state of being as a
result. This may take many decades ahead but they are on their way.


Terra has
stabilized in her Bodhisattva level vibration as of this year. (9000
strands equivalent as a global vibration and temperature). The stability to
this vibration was not easy. In October, Terra was badly shattered through
the unconscious of the 18th dimensional consensus and angels and
dark forces that desired her demise. This splintered Terra between
creations and for a short time, she lost consciousness so greatly that she
could not command her own field. The Tao within guided her and she restored
what had been lost, undid the manipulations and is carrying on. For Mila
and Oa this was a difficult time where they nearly passed the physical
plane. This did not occur and Mila, Oa, and Terra are now on to another day
in which what they have envisioned in terms of ascension home can be
fulfilled upon.

The Heart
of the Tao has been anchored into the aurora of Terra. There is love
flowing in addition to light within her global body for the first time since
Sirius ascended. Light and love combine to create life, spawning variations
of energy flow that cause not only creations to blossom, but ascension home
to become possible. At this time light and love are converging upon Terra
to create the necessary movements and thought-form to carry her on to
another level of ascension this year ahead.

is slow for Terra, but will increase pace now that light and love have been
combined within her aurora. Your scientists will become very worried about
global warming as it is going to come forth at a pace you have never seen
before, and it may be that the poles completely melt in less than 30 years
ahead. This will cause strife for those regions near the coastline in more
northern or southern continents; and humans will learn to deal with the
changes that nature imposes upon them to the best that they can.

have sunk before and new volcanic activity has created new continents in
times past upon earth. Although this is so, the sinking and rising was so
slow in such time periods that it took thousands of years, and humans could
migrate to new places and not suffer or struggle. This may be less so as
the pace of time is on the increase due to the partial entrance into the New
Dream. Time is on the increase and so the shifts that are global shall come
forth at a more rapid pace. Instead of thousands of years, it may be a
matter of only hundreds in which major changes occur to certain continents,
and new land mass forms out in the oceans. The new land masses may
interconnect island chains that are at the top of what once were other
continents long ago. So all told three new continents shall rise and seven
sink over the coming 1000 years of continued global ascension. The sinking
of continents with the heaviest human pollution is anticipated as this is
how all shall be cleaned and cleared in preparation for moving to fully
conscious physical vibration on the part of Terra.


humans, you are now in an era of vast change that will trigger the times of
cleansing ahead. What are the times of cleansing? Now that the End of Time
Bell has rung, the cellular structure awakens and knows that it is time to
go home. For some genealogies that originated in other creations such as
the Pleiades, the homecoming will cause a retraction out of physicality as
the physical cannot return home to another creation. As a result, those who
are of foreign genealogies will complete their karma upon Terra and retract
in death, and carry on in their journey “home” from a nonphysical vantage
point. The retraction is holographic more than physical; the holograms
related to other creations are leaving earth and they will gather up all
expressions that are related and then return to their creation of origin
together. This includes the slave nation holograms incubated by the Anu
when they were alive and those of Anu descent.

The times
of cleansing shall bring about massive plagues in which humanity may think
that they are going extinct. There may be great fear about disease and the
“war upon disease” may be of greater interest to the news than the “war upon
terror”. Mostly however civilization will fall a part due to the loss of
lives necessary to fulfill upon all the tasks that humans rely upon in your
current system. However this will be slow enough that humans that remain
shall adjust, and shall make changes, and life shall carry on ahead and in
greater peace. For Terra, there is a need to cleanse human populations that
have grown too large for her to sustain; and the large numbers of the same
holograms expressed in physicality deplete the drive to ascend out of those
that have the possibility of evolution in their genealogy. As there are
fewer humans, ascension in the human species will take off more greatly.
This is anticipated to occur in the coming 100 years ahead.

Generational ascension shall come forth in which a part of the ascent is
made by the child in the womb and in early childhood, and then the vibration
shall be held until the next generation is born. This shall restore full
consciousness to the human species in six generations and about 180 human
years ahead. Those attaining full consciousness in human form may exist in
small tribes upon each continent but in balance with Terra’s needs in her
own ascension. In opening to the Tao within, each fully conscious human
will be guided from within in their journey and path ‘home”. This shall
create a very different time in human history in which the spiritual path is
the dominant path, and little else may be of interest. There will be a
waning of technology, but this also shall come forth as humans integrate
their own information that the technology is related unto.

There is no need to have telephones if you can telepathically communicate
with one another around the globe; and consciously experience dream time
meetings. In experiencing dream time gatherings, there is no requirement
for humans to travel long distances to meet or know one another. Through
moving inward and communing with the Tao within, each human will receive the
direction that they require to continue to ascend and support Terra’s
ascension as well. This time ahead will be a real inward movement and
momentum. Humans may not spend time doing all the things humans do in
present time, such as cooking, working, shopping, consuming consuming and
consuming. Humans in the future will feast mostly off the air in the breath
of life and eat only small amounts of whatever grows around them to balance
the body or field, or provide nutrients for continued evolution. Most of
what consumes human thought-form at this time will cease in the 100 years
ahead of continued global ascension.

There is
always love, and there is the romance of the two who choose to come
together, and the love of giving birth to new offspring. There is a love
affair between parent and child, and humans who find their way back to a
state of love will find having a child very fulfilling. Children will be
born ahead with greater awareness, light and love, and so the parents and
tribe will attune to the love of all incoming children, and this will carry
them on to another level of ascension ahead together. This is the gift of
generational ascension now and ahead.

will still enjoy crafts until they learn to instantly manifest through their
thoughts. Crafts are not only nice but will provide things that make the
community flourish, such as baskets to gather the herbs, or pottery to place
the herbs upon, and the construction of the dwellings that humans will
reside within ahead. There will be more time for the artisans who desire to
create with their hands to do so and out of love; leading to environments
and crafts that are filled with love as well as beautiful in design
surrounding all humans again. It is your loveless environments,
preoccupations, media and objects that humans fill their lives with that
which is stripping the life out of the body leading to disease. Lifeless bodies cannot ascend,
and so as human restore a life of simple preoccupations filled with love
that serve self and the community, ascension shall be sustained and
continued ascension shall take off.


Those who
are ascending today can benefit by creating a life that is simpler and
focused inward through meditation and time in nature. Releasing the media
and media based preoccupations creates more time for introspection and
inward focus. Moving to a more rural environment is also supportive of
the body as it is easier to move the ascending energy field with open space
to support oneself. Ascension requires understanding the thought-form you are
clearing along with the karma at hand to be forgiven. The life mirrors will
provide clues as to what the spiritual lessons may be that are to be
forgiven. The key to ascension is learning to love what you dislike or
judge in another or within yourself. As you love you and all others,
forgiveness naturally flows and the spiritual lessons of non-love are

to love is perhaps the largest spiritual lesson for all aspirants of the
spiritual path at this time. There is such non-love that has prevailed due
to the blending of dissonant thought-form from other creations that love is
vastly missing upon the physical plane. Non-love leads to a state of
codependence where some strive to save or protect others from the harm of
others. What one does in the physical also occurs in opposite in the
unconscious parallel life planes; so if one loves and protects here then one
hates and destroys in another parallel life. The reality is that all
polarities are expressed somewhere even if not in the physical; and so what
one judges in another is really a part of one’s own parallel life
expression. To the degree one can forgive and embrace the parallel life
expression that one may judge in another, to such a degree one then forgives
all others, as all forgiveness begins really with self. As one forgives
oneself for whatever one judges, then one also forgives those ancestors who
expressed what one judges as well; and this then creates a complete circle
of forgiveness.


A complete
circle of forgiveness then allows for absolute forgiveness in which one has
to only learn the spiritual lesson once in order for it to be forgiven for
one’s inheritance; then the karma for parallel patterns upon other
dimensions that your multidimensional inheritance danced upon can also be
forgiven. It is in the clearing of multidimensional karma that one can
return home to the Great Central Sun Dream. Without the clearing of karma
from this region of domain, no one could return home, nor could Terra. So
Terra is relying upon absolute forgiveness to propel her into another time
and another dream in which homecoming to the Tao becomes possible. For
human aspirants, therefore learning to absolutely forgive is a goal to
master this lifetime; as it is only as you master absolute forgiveness that
there is a possibility of movement into the new dream with Terra in this end
of time cycle of cleansing. (See “From
the Rose Quartz Mineral Kingdom” for more information on absolute

forgiveness cannot begin to be contemplated until aspirants open their
hearts and move enough chi to begin to form the 1000-petal lotus of the
Bodhisattva. Therefore a good place for each aspirant to begin is to intend
to open the heart; and even if you have opened the heart there are always
greater heart openings ahead, as one builds towards the 100,000 petal lotus
of one at full consciousness vibration. The heart will continue to expand
until you step out of physicality and go home to the Tao; as it is through
the heart that any creation finds its way home.


The Tao
only love; love that is expressed in immeasurable numbers of ways; with each nuance
explored as to what love is as creator and creation evolve, expanding into
greater depths of love and then retracting back home again at the end of
each cycle. Love is all there is, but it is expressed in a myriad of ways
that allow creators and creations to continue to evolve, deepening into
greater understanding of the nature of love. Love is so infinite that it
can be expressed in nuances that are completely unavailable here, where
limitation is so great. Therefore for Terra and each in the journey home to
the Tao, there will be an opening unto love, and then the many nuances of
love that flow within the Tao; and as each octave of love is embraced, you
and this creation known as earth will take one step closer to homecoming.

Here you
have known non-love. So the experience has taught you what occurs when
there is not any nuance of love of the Tao remaining. As there is not love,
codependence take off in fear and humans and kingdoms cling to one another
in attachment. As love returns and is restored, all shall release their
attachment, all shall transcend codependent love, and all shall go home; and
the experience of non-love shall be learned so that it need not be created
again in the future cycles of the Tao.


there have been spiritual teachers and even entities that have spoken
similar words to what we are exploring in these materials, there are few
that have made the journey out of codependence. Even Mila and Oa are
clearing codependent attachments with one another or with earth as a result
of the newfound presence of the love of the Tao upon earth. Those of Bodhisattva mastery
are also looking at the next level of codependence to be cleared out of the
map ahead so that a greater opening of love can occur within their own
hearts. It is one thing to contemplate the nature of reality; it is another
thing to transmute the nature of reality into something else, and something
perhaps new and that has not been known in recent cycles enough to

The real
act of transmutation can be very difficult. The real act of transmutation
causes aspirants to face their deepest internal fears and transcend them by
transmuting the fear into love. Real love is not a platitude; nor is love a
fantasy; nor is love lust. Most of the love that humans know today are
fantasies from the lust planes and do not lead to real fulfillment; nor do
they lead to an opening of the heart or for a pathway “home”. Those walking
the real path of transmutation understand the difference, and work at
dismantling the fantasies associated with lust in order to enter a world of real
communion where love sincerely flows between self and nature or self and

There is
no other means of restoring love other than opening the heart, opening unto
one’s own fears and transmuting them, opening unto one’s own vulnerability,
and ultimately opening unto one’s own truth. Truth is a vibration of love
that clarifies and purifies intention so that what one intends can manifest
in the physical. To the degree the field is purified into truth, to such a
degree one’s truth can be made manifest in the physical.

In this
era of consumption, truth appears to be the goal of reaching higher and
higher levels of income and wealth and jet setting around the world; this is
also equated with freedom. Most of the authentic spiritual path has little
interest in wealth and all that it may buy; for the goal is to release
attachment and not acquire more objects to attach unto. Love also
dissipates the greater the attachment which may be why the wealthiest often
end up very sad and sour towards the end of their lives. The objects have
not filled them and now they are disappointed; however it is their own
attachment to the material world at cause of the disappointment and
sourness of life.


Upon this
plane of reality one can recognize that objects can never fill the human
heart; nor can property, nor can pets, although pets do offer humans an
opportunity to open their hearts when they cannot unto humans. The only
thing that can really fill the human heart is communion with nature and with
others. Such communion must be with nature in the wild; unless one has
chosen to hook their garden plants up to the wild kingdoms, in which case it
can occur in manmade parks too. Nature is gentle and will honor the budding
human heart, blessing one until one can open further and further to the full
movement of communion in the heart chakra. As communion is felt, one may
begin to feel more at home in the natural world than in the human dream.
This is a good sign that you are progressing in your heart opening and
learning to love beloved as it comes to be.

natural world has never forgotten to love. Therefore in the natural world
you will also now find the Love of the Tao. The Love of the Tao is
beginning to bridge into everything upon earth to begin the process of self
healing. The Love of the Tao can really only flow where love already
flows. In the natural world, love has been diminished but not forgotten.
And so love flows between the creepy crawlers and the plants; and the plants
and the trees; and the trees and the forests and all other kingdoms that
live within them. So this is also so within the sea.

The love
generally dissipates as humans enter the natural world dream as humans do
not contribute to the love held within it. In order to participate, one
must commune with all the other kingdoms in the woods, or in the meadows, or
by the lake, or by the sea and open the heart and love. As one learns to
commune in the opening of one’s heart, then one is embraced into the natural
world, and then the natural world can love you, honor you, and aid you in
your continued goal of ascension this lifetime. Also you will now find the
love of the Tao to aid you, bless you, and guide you too from within the
natural world, and until you can open to your Tao within.

As more
humans enter the natural world dream through the choice to love again and
commune, a place will be woven in the dream for your existence ahead. The
natural world provides for all kingdoms including the human kingdom; but
only can provide out of a state of love. Without the love, the natural
world rejects; as a state of loveless-ness is a state of rejection and the
natural world mirrors back one’s own state of being. If one rejects oneself
as one does not love, then the natural world rejects you also. As one opens
to love of self and others again, in the love the natural world will respond
in love and embrace you. As you are embraced, you can fill yourself and
your heart with the love of the Earth Mother and Nature, and the Love of the
Tao; and begin to take one further step towards wholeness within.


is held together by love. In the lack of love in this region of domain, all
fractured and fell a part as there was not enough love to suspend it
together. So this is so for each human; each of you have fallen a part and
broken into fractured bits and have left parts of self behind upon other
vibrational bandwidths and dimensions of thought-form remaining surrounding
Terra, your solar system and your 18th dimensional consensus. As
love returns, the vibrations necessary to gather yourself up become available
and one can piece together all that has been lost over time in the many
falls in this region of domain and within your inheritance. As enough is
pieced together ahead, one will begin to feel increasingly more “whole”. As
wholeness is restored to the human species, humans will quite naturally
behave quite differently.

humans are so fractured that they consume objects in order to fill
themselves. Most of what is purchased may indeed contain parts of self that
one’s inheritance lost, and this is why humans are consuming so greatly at
this time in history. They are buying and buying and buying objects that
contain parts of self and trying to create wholeness from the outside in.
When Mila finally recognized this truth long ago, and chose instead to
gather up parts of self sitting upon the grocery store shelf or in
department stores through intention, she ceased to desire to purchase much of anything other
than what she really requires to subsist upon the physical plane. Therefore
all spiritual aspirants reading these materials can intend to gather up
parts of self lost in the merchandise that humanity consumes also and then
the desire to consume may fall away, as the need to gather one self up has
been created.

humans also consume vitamins that are portions of nutrients extracted out of
your food source. Mila has often said how toxic such things are and to rely
upon herbs or whole leaves, roots, berries and food source to receive the
nutrients required to ascend instead. This is mainly due to how the
nutrients are chemically extracted that this is so. The advent of vitamins
and the extraction of nutrients out of their whole form is really another
sign of deep fragmentation of the human spirit. As enough of humanity
ascends into deeper wholeness, such requirements to obtain nutrients through
extraction or breaking a part of the wholeness of whole foods will cease.
Mostly the Heart of the Tao perceives that the vast number of factory
workers that manage such types of production will fade from human history in
the times of cleansing ahead; also there will be fewer and fewer humans to
consume what is produced in most factories which will shut themselves down
in the coming 25 years or so as a result.

There are
vast changes underway ahead that will be the result of the restoration of
love and light upon Terra and within the human holographic planes. At this
time Mila and Oa are working upon restoration of light within the human
hologram, as the karma for how this was shattered and lost has come to be
understood at this time. As light returns to the human holographic planes,
there will be an awakening of your kingdom that will be so rapid and so
great, it will take most by great surprise. The awakening will lead to
another day of deeper understanding of the spiritual attributes of existence
and a desire to consciously go “home” to the Tao.

Mila and
Oa have been told that the Indigos that are maturing at this time may be the
ones mainly interested in their teachings ahead, and may fill their school
and events with those who are inspired from within, and not so stuck in
older patterns that they cannot move with the changes required in
ascension. It shall be the Indigos that may carve much of the map to full
consciousness as a result; and Mila and Oa also look forward to this time
ahead as well. There are many changes underway that will draw those who are
to study with Mila and Oa towards this goal ahead, and if you feel that this
is your role, the Heart of the Tao invites you to consider joining their
Mastering Unity
Within Self Study Program. There is still much to do until the
Indigo’s mature enough and move forth; and so we invite those in adult form
that feel that this is your spiritual calling to join us ahead.

There are
many comings and goings in ascension, as parts of the map that one can carve
within one’s inheritance are completed upon. Perhaps a particular set of
lineages go into distortion in the ascension and must backtrack and repair
what went wrong. This is not a wrong path; but one that many of our
ex-affiliates find themselves within. For those that have studied with Mila
and Oa, the Heart of the Tao blesses you and blesses you and blesses you, as
you fulfilled upon a part of the map. Fulfilling upon a part of the map is
necessary also; and through generational ascension the next part of the map
for your inheritance shall come forth. And so nothing is really lost over
time and we thank you for what you did fulfill upon; and wish you to carry
on in learning your spiritual lessons from whatever life mirrors are
presented at this time in your life experience. There is no end to ascension;
there is always karma to clear; and there is always more understanding to
fulfill upon and spiritual lessons to learn. And if you can, then please join us at
Masters Conclave
and contribute to the karmic release of the collective of your
species with the group in attendance to support Terra’s global ascension.

For those
who have never studied with SSOA, we also thank you for whatever part of the
map of ascension you are carving, or for the followers, for the widening of
the map ahead. We invite you to join us if you feel called at our Masters
Conclave events in the year ahead and in service to the Earth Mother and all
other kingdoms. We bless you and bless you and bless you with the love of
the Tao. Open to receive the blessings as you can; and then allow them to
spread throughout your entire cellular structure. You are beloved unto us;
and beloved unto the Earth Mother, and beloved unto Mila and Oa who cannot
carve the map all by themselves. And so we all thank you in these special
blessings from the Heart of the Tao.

we also offer a world mirror review in our Winter Solstice Blessings. This
year we are not choosing to focus upon the world mirror as much as the needs
of the spiritual aspirants choosing to ascend at this time. There is much
to accomplish and no much time; and the world mirror will alter as more
humans open to the love by opening their hearts and learning to commune
again. As enough ascending humans commune with nature and earth, all humans
shall awaken to the need to take care of this global vessel that is your
space craft going home. As humans open to this truth, they will naturally
attempt to repair what they have polluted or harmed. The pathway out of
such a dance cannot occur any other way other than through more awakening
and ascending into the love; and so we invite each to simply carry on in
your ascension and open to deeper and deeper states of love and communion
within. As you love and enough of you love, then all shall verge upon love
again within the collective of your civilization; and then all may self heal
and go "home' to the Tao.



The Heart
of the Tao