Friday, December 5, 2008

The Expansion of Love and the Twin Flame Energies

The Expansion of Love and the Twin Flame Energies

The Energies for December 2008

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

"The Sacred Flame" by Viktoria Vader of Estonia at

Beloved Lightworkers, as you enter into this month of December, you
feel the Expansion of Light and Love on your Planet! At this time, you
are experiencing a Quantum Shift in Consciousness, preparing
yourselves for the New Adventures and the new tasks that lie ahead in
the Coming Year of 2009.

This Great Shift on Consciousness of December 2008 we will call the
"Expansion of Love". For indeed, the Shifts and Transformations that
you have experienced have all had the goal and purpose of allowing you
to experience more of Who you Are, and to move ever deeper into the
Love at the Core of your Being, that Love that is your Inner Divinity.

Now, we have called this shift "Ascension", and in the early years of
this shift we likened it to a journey. You were moving into Higher
Dimensions of your Being and Consciousness, as if you had a place to
go, which you called "Home". But now, you have come to understand that
there is nowehere to go but deeper into your own Being. There is
nothing to do but expand into the Love that you already Are deep
within yourself.

Beloved Lightworkers, you hold within yourselves the Dimensions of
Being and the Consciousness of God. These are not aspects that are
outside of you, they are not aspects that you need to seek for outside
of yourselves. For indeed, as the Master Jesus once said, the Kingdom
of God is within You! Beloved Ones, All that you seek is within You.
Home is within You. The most glorious experiences of Radiant Love are
within You waiting to be expressed and experienced by You. You are
Love made manifest, the Sons and Daughters of God, the Children of the

Beloved Ones, as the old reality fades together with its old patterns
of fear and violence and lack, the New Earth Reality arises based on
the patterns of the Sacred Heart, the Rose of the Twin Flame energies.
You are discovering how to align with a Focus or Center of Energy in
your Heart that unfolds like a Rose and that holds Heaven and Earth
together with the Electrical and Magnetic "polarities" of the God
Force energies. You are discovering how to move with the powerful
flows of this God Force or Divine Intelligence as it moves within You.
And you are learning to experience the powerful creative Magic of this
Deep Love that flows through the Heart.

You are learning how to Expand the Love until you see that All in your
Field, your Perception, your Experience, is an aspect of God-in-You,
and that it is vibrating and pulsating with the Passion and Love and
Desire of the Divine Source Energy. The Desire to Be, to Become and to
Experience All that You can Be through the creations and
manifestations of your physical being is an expression of the Divine
Love of the God Force within. You are learning how to perceive life
with Love and Gratitude as your perceptions move into focus and you
know that you are One in the Love of God, that you are Love Incarnate,
the walking and breathing representation of the Love of God. A Human
Angel, unified with All Things in the Consciousness of God.

At this time, You are Becoming part of the Song of Harmony.....the
Song of "One". And you are ready for the Expanded adventures of Joy,
manifesting through the Sacred Rose or the Twin Flame Template of
Divine Consciousness for the New Earth reality. In this process of
Higher Consciousness, you are able to see All that Exists as an
expression or manifestation of "the Beloved", the Love of God that is
the energy that draws you back into the Heart of God. You become part
of the deep passion of Divine Love that flows through all things. And
you may, if you choose, experience that Joy and Ecstasy within a
partnership in the material world.

Beloved Ones, on the 12th of December, the 12:12 gateway or portal in
Time/Space, the Earth will pass through a Full Moon alignment where
the Full Moon will be in Gemini and the Sun in Sagittarius. Gemini is
the astrological house of the "Twins", which in the New Reality
represents the energy of the Twin Flame or Sacred Union. With the Sun
in the Fire sign of Spiritual Passion represented by Sagittarius, and
the Moon in the House of Sacred Union represented by Gemini, the fiery
passion of Sacred Union will ignite in the Hearts of those who are
awakened to this Love and will assist them to Expand the Love within
their Field of Experience and Perception. And these ones will become
the Leaders for the next cycle of Conscious Evolution into deeper
aspects of Divine Love and its expression on the Planet.

The energy will continue to build up to the 21st of December, the time
of the Planetary Solstice, when the Southern Pole of the Planet,
representing the Feminine Polarity of the Earth, will align directly
with the Galactic Center at 26 degrees of Sagittarius. The Galactic
center is the Heart of the Galaxy, that Sacred Space where the
energies of the Galaxy are held in Sacred Union. It is the place from
where Oneness and Harmony flows. The Earth will align with these
powerful flows of Oneness and Harmony and Love will open the Hearts of
those on the Earth who are ready to receive the Song of Oneness into
their Core Being. The powerful wave of Twin Flame Love that you will
experience between the 12th and the 21st of December, will indeed
"lift" you to a new level in your Experience and Perception of
yourself as a Human Angelic Being and Consciousness. The Twin Flame
Love of Source will ignite the Twin Flame Love within, and will create
Miracles of Compassionate Love that will be deeply felt by those who
are ready to accept this new manifestation of the Love of God.

The Energies for December 2008

The Full Moon will fall on the 12th of December, and will be in Gemini
with the Sun in Sagittarius. As we have already noted, this is an
ideal time to celebrate the energies of the Twin Flame and the Sacred
Union within. It will also be a good time for attracting that Love in
its manifestation as a relationship or partner if that is your desire.
The seeds may be sown at this powerful time of Love and Union, and the
desire itself will bring an expression of the reality when the time is

The Solstice will fall on the 21st of December, and this will be the
Winter Solstice in the North and the Summer Solstice in the South.
Again, a time of powerful alignments with the Divine Feminine energy
and the energy of Sacred Union within.

The 25th of December is the traditional Festival of the Birth of
Christ, and as Lightworkers it can be a good time to celebrate the
birthing of the Light of Christ Consciousness through the coming of
Yeshua and Mary Magdalene to hold the Golden Star of Sacred Union and
the imprint that "Star" as a Template for Sacred Marriage within the
Energy Field of the Planet. For indeed, the Golden "Star" that guided
the Mages to Bethlehem was the Golden Star of Sacred Union created by
the Sacred Union of those two Gold Ray Souls as Twin Flames within the
Etheric Field of the Planet.

The Sun moves into Capricorn on the 22nd of December, and many of the
planets will pass through Capricorn in December. There is now a
general shift of focus from Sagittarius, the house of Spiritual Fire,
to Capricorn, the house of the manifestation of Earth wisdom and
leadership. The Planet of Transformation, Pluto, passes into Capricorn
now, and will not transit back into Sagittarius again. That cycle is
over and complete, the new cycle is about the manifestation of the New
Reality on the Planet.

The New Moon in Capricorn on the 27th of December will be an ideal
time to consider the "seeds" for the next cycle of Manifestation and
Adventure that begins in 2009!

Beloved Ones, we here in the Angelic Dimensions congratulate you on
work well done, may you enjoy the Golden Light of Love in your lives
in this month of Joy and Change. May the Adventure continue, and may
you enter into the Deep Desires and Dreams of Love that your Souls
wish to express on the New Earth!

© 2008-9 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

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