Thursday, November 6, 2008

Practical Lightwork Series: 3 Powerful Techniques For Refining Your

Practical Lightwork Series: 3 Powerful Techniques For Refining Your"Field" Energy Broadcast - by Brian Baruch Understand that each of us carry a distinct "field" of energy. This"field" impacts the portals of "possibility" that are available to us.The "field" energy works to ensure that if we remain stuck at aparticular level of our development until we achieve an "eternalre-calibration" for ascent. This means that the same scenario/lessonkeeps manifesting before us waiting for us to learn its lesson andtranscend on our journey.The sages called this natural force "measure for measure", today it ispopularized and often misunderstood as the "Law of Attraction". Weresonate this "field" constantly, but do so in a more concentratedfashion whenever we are "passionate", and so the "field" becomesamplified with our positive and negative emotions. Positive passionateenergies (like love, joy, fulfillment, self expression, creativity andempathy) open up portals for opportunity and giving, while negativepassionate energies (like fear, anger, frustration, jealousy, lust,resentment etc.) close these new portals. The trick is to inhabit apositive frequency in heart, mind and speech. It may sound dauntingbut here are some exceptionally useful techniques.(1.)My favourite technique is gratitude.Try to consistently become mindful of the things that bring youblessing or happiness. The day I applied this exercise I found themomentum of this technique to be so profound. I started off my dayemitting gratitude and "recognition" for my basic pleasures and joys,my comfortable mattress, fresh morning juice, the happiness my petfish brings, the lovely foliage outside, etc. The key is to startmomentum in one's mind to build towards a cadence of grace so thatspirit has open portals to do its "magic". Don't be seduced by youranalytical side and measure your progress, just flow in the series ofexpressions of grace that you transmit, and in short time you willawaken to bountiful opportunity.In tandem with the "Gratitude technique", I highly recommend that youbegin to be mindful of the music you listen to and ensure that itcarries a frequency that is upbeat, positive and at harmony with your"graceful" state. I say this because music is a dynamic tool thatinstills passions and emotions and can be used as an effective induceror visa-versa impediment for broadcasting the flow of "light" energy.This also applies to news and entertainment media that you listen toand read... these all have the ability to alter your "channel ofresonance" and change your "field".(2.)Another helpful technique is visualization; each day, in a familiarquiet and peaceful location, meditate to a place of "grounded" lovefor "All" and begin to visualize exactly the solution that you desire,the more details the better. In the same meditation begin to do thesame for others you know who are in a similar bind, after this,visualize world harmony in way that depicts everyone prospering byfollowing their innate gifts in a most productive and joyful fashion.It is essential to allow these techniques to change the dynamics ofyour "field" to the point where you begin to break repeated "critical"or "destructive" habits... and if applied "purely", in time they will.(3.)The most powerful technique is to award purpose to your current "trials".What I mean by this is to bring proportion, cohesion and singularpurpose to the chaos, fear and frustration that you draw into your"field" of perception. This is a very profound, ancient and sacredtechnique... there is great wisdom embedded in it.King David wrote:"It is good to offer thanks to the DivineAnd to sing praise to the eternal name, most highAnd relate your kindness in the morningAnd your faithfulness in the night"King David is offering the key insight for drawing light andresonating the bountifulness of "true love" onto one's "field". Whenthings seem bright and easy (day), you can continue to draw thismomentum by focusing or reciting recognition of it. But, when thingsbegin to appear trying and unclear (night), you should instead offerup your loving trust to Source that what you are going through is partof a lesson in your ascension, and that you desire to foreverinternalize this lesson through "love" so that you will no longer needto be challenged in this particular way.Like with lovers that drift apart, one best proves their faithfulnesswhen things are not ideal. And so, it is easy to send your "love" tothe Divine when things flow easily, but truly profound ascensionoccurs when you dedicate your "knowing love" at times of difficulty,as it is only in this way that the love can be said to be manifestedas "true".
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