Sunday, July 13, 2008

Our Energetic Past - Keys to True Healing

Our Energetic Past - Keys to True Healing

We believe that we are here on earth to master all the conditions that
we have placed on love – as individuals, families, religions and
cultures. Most of us are holding onto millions of ideas about life and
love from our past, and most of these ideas carry an energetic charge.
Deepak Chopra says we have at least 60,000 thoughts a day – 90% of
those are thoughts about our past. This means that about 54,000
thoughts, or sparks of energy from our past are being created
energetically each day, building up within us until we either implode,
explode or change.

So, what can we do about these remnants from our past, and how do they
reflect our lessons about love? Both Nancy and I feel that we carry
our lessons with us as patterns or imprints on our bodies. These
patterns may come from the first years of our lives, from past lives
or from inner-dimensional levels of our being. We all continue to grow
spiritually by working out our issues about love – as individual souls
and as a part of the collective consciousness (energy that we as
humans have given to all life events). Any patterns or imprints that
we still carry, together with the emotions they evoke, are important
keys for us to use in learning about love in this lifetime. The
ultimate goal is to bring ourselves into balance and love so that we
can all become One.

Despite the vast amount of time we spend with ourselves over a
lifetime, the discovery of our true selves – and loving ourselves –
seems to be the most complex and puzzling assignment we will ever
undertake. Clearing and releasing our energetic past imprints and
patterns can free us to face the reason we are here – to truly heal,
to balance and harmonize with ourselves and reconnect with our inner
truth of unconditional love.


How Energy Is Stored As Imprints

Any intense emotion, felt at a time of crisis or drama, becomes
energetically stored within us. Extreme anger or bitterness over a
situation, for example, can become trapped inside our psychic space.
The event is stored along with an energetic charge by our inner mind.
Even though years may pass since the original event, certain words, a
touch, or a look may trigger an emotionally charged reaction. As we
continue to think about these past, unresolved events and give them
our attention and energy, additional feelings of anger and bitterness
are generated and added to our stockpile of feelings. Over time, we
carry around a whole range of “trigger” patterns overlaid upon our
physical being.

One of the most common patterns on my clients is an imprint or pattern
around their wrists. What if, in a past life, you were tied up, held,
or restrained in some way? This has probably happened to most of us at
one time or another. Even if this has not happened to us physically,
perhaps there was a time when we felt held back in some way, either
mentally, emotionally, or spiritually.

For example, the lesson from an imprint on a wrist might likely be an
issue of power and control. If we are going to fully learn about power
and control, someone will - at some point - come into our lives to
test us. Suppose in a past life or event, that someone tied or held
our hands in some way. There was probably something they wanted us to
do and we chose not to, or something they wanted us to stop doing and
we kept doing it anyway. The person or persons responsible for
restraining us most likely had highly charged thoughts, projections,
and energy around what was happening as well. In such circumstances,
we may have reacted by being scared or angry or both. Physically we
might have understood what was happening to us, and even to some
degree we might have sorted out the reasons on an emotional and mental
level; yet the imprint still remains because the issues were never
fully resolved.

All hurt is recorded as unfinished business. Stored emotion affects
the way we see, feel, and interact with others. Most emotions
expressed in this way have a deeper root of fear. Perhaps the base
root of all fear is the fear of change. These bits and pieces of
unresolved situations draw more and more energy over time, until they
may become controlling factors in our lives. If we continue to do
this, we may reach our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual
limits and begin to experience physical reactions within our bodies,
such as tension and disease.

If we have a stored imprint, it means we did not understand the event
completely at the time it occurred. Our Higher Self saves everything
that happens, including incomplete energetic experiences, for us to
look at another time when we may be better able to put all the pieces
together. As long as something happened to us that we did not
understand completely, we will continue to wear that imprint on our
bodies today, no matter where in our history the event occurred.

Spiritually understanding our lessons is often the most difficult.
Experiencing pain and fear are clearly not what we originally came to
Earth to learn. If we had come in to learn about love, for example,
but instead experienced loneliness, heartache, separation, and pain,
we might develop a program that subconsciously tells us “To love fully
means I will suffer.” Until we clearly define and separate our lessons
from what we experience, we will continue to confuse our experiences
with the lesson, and may hold ourselves back from fully loving or
being loved.


Energy is Activated and Amplified through Interactions with Others

Accumulated thought forms and emotions act as catalysts for our
imprints. Over and over, these thought forms draw to us similar
situations or people, until we completely understand all there is to
learn about that emotion and how to balance it within ourselves. If we
are here to learn about power and control, we may create situations
where we feel powerless. If we are here to learn forgiveness, we may
draw people to us who we continually need to forgive or who must
forgive us.

If those around us continue to trigger our issues, remember that they
are mirroring the exact issues we have, on some level, agreed to learn
and resolve on our path towards mastering the conditions we have put
on love. So what is the most effective action we can take when we are
triggered? We can use those times when we get thrown off-balance to go
back in linear time within our own minds to find and understand where
our issues really began. Understand the energetics around the issue
itself, whether it is about feelings of abandonment, self-worth,
trust, guilt, shame, being alone, power and control, or anything else
that comes up. Until we understand the energy around the issue itself,
our Higher Self will continue to create event after event, helping us
to keep focused on what we have come to learn. Once we understand the
issue, there ceases be a charge around it. Until we realize we have
agreed to co-create these events, which act as catalysts to keep us
focused on our issues, we unknowingly continue to divert most of our
creative energy into drawing such circumstances and people to us.


Energetic Imprints lead to Inner Programs of Behavior

Prior to coming to Earth, when we are united with Source, we plan what
we are going to learn and teach on Earth. While with Source, we are
aligned with the energies of love, compassion, understanding, and clarity.

When we physically come to Earth, we experience diverse energetic
events -- some of them unpleasant, painful, and shocking. If we were
to experience many devastating traumas over one lifetime or a series
of lifetimes, the inner mind might decide that if we were to love
openly and completely, we might lose our lives, our families, or
everything we care about, love, and believe in. In a similar manner,
if we were to take our power or do what we truly came to do, we might
conclude that something painful or traumatic could happen to us. Once
we make such a decision, we begin to subconsciously use some of our
energy to hold ourselves back from our full potential.


Releasing Energetic Imprints from our Bodies

When we give energy by thoughts, feelings and/or emotions to a
pattern, it means there is still some part we do not fully understand.
Many of our energetic imprints are different aspects of the same
lesson. When an area of the body is holding an imprint, Heart & Soul
Healing follows the energy back through our inner mind to discover the
original belief that set the program into motion.

Once we understand the truth of what we are learning, the held energy
pattern is released. The freed energy is then made available for us to
create those things we choose to have in our lives. When we really
know and understand something, we possess the most powerful tool we
can use to change our consciousness and integrate our knowledge into
the unified whole of our being. Once we have real understanding within
ourselves, our bodies no longer need to hold the energy pattern in
place. Once understood, the energy pattern has fulfilled its purpose,
which is simply to get our attention, so that we can understand why we
have come to Earth and what we are supposed to do.

Our fully awakened knowledge and understanding automatically becomes
part of our wisdom and awareness, changing the way we create and who
we are. When changes are made on a cellular level, the changes will be
permanent, for they will occur on every level and within every cell of
our being. Our very vibration changes and thus, it is impossible to be
what we were before.

For more ways to release energetic imprints and begin a change within
yourselves, read The Way It Works. Begin to work with the energetic
clearing technique. You WILL notice a difference in yourself, your
interactions with others, your actions and your reactions within three